Daily Archives: September 25, 2015

This week in photos Friday 25th September





Superstar Home Learning and Wow moments . . . .

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We have been learning about Money in Maths . . .

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We worked together to make Christian Churches in R.E . . .

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Stars and Celebrations; 25.09.15

Hi there – here are Perranporth’s stars of the week.  We are really proud of all of them!


Lebron Halford  and Lexi Janson for being especially kind and helpful to their classmates!

St. Piran

Eva Attwell for using her phonics to help her spell.

Clara Swift for including extra and interesting information in her special write.


Elise for fabulous behaviour and a great attitude to learning in Maths and English!


Lukas Skinner for PERFECT behaviour!!

Gwen Hurley for helping other people with their work.


Eryn Day for a fantastic newspaper article in her home-learning!

Harlyn Rivers-Halford for fantastic resilience in our ‘synonym’ lesson and an ever improving attitude to learning!  Keep it up!

Alfie Earl for fantastic column calculations in maths and an excellent all round learning attitude!

Sophie Barr for fantastic column calculations in maths and an excellent all round learning attitude!


Luc and Emily for excellent creative writing and poetry!  Well done both of you!!!


Meg Harding for excellent home-learning!

Connor McCarthy for being a great independent learner who manages his distractions appropriately.

Miles and Zack for great reading this week!

Other Celebrations this week…

Lorelai Murrell for her fantastic Distinction grade in her speaking and listening exam before the summer holidays!

Ruby and Jack for great fancy dress at the St Agnes Carnival – we are glad you are recovering from your broken arm too Ruby!

Well done to all our Y5/6 netball stars for their excellent effort in competing on Thursday afternoon!

Well done to our KS2 girls’ footballers who did fantastically in the football tournament on Wednesday afternoon!


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St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 25th September

This Week

Money has been our focus in Maths this week. We have been learning the names of all of the coins, using coins to pay for items when shopping, and solving money number sentences. We have learnt about labels in English and wrote our own labels and captions for items in the classroom. In Art and Design we started to make our wolf masks and in Design and Technology we made our own trap doors and went on a hinge hunt.



This week in Phonics we have learnt the ‘air’, ‘oi’, ‘ure’ and ‘ear’ phonemes. If you have any free time please practise words with these phonemes in with your child. You can find suggestions of words to use in your child’s Phonics Book.


St Piran Class Homework

In English this week we have been learning about labelling and captions. For homework this week I would like the children to draw an item and write their own label and caption for the item. For example they might draw a picture of their dog and explain that a dog is a type of animal. As an extra challenge see if you can include wow words in your caption and create your own labels and captions for other objects in your house.

Support tips:

  • This week the children have learnt that a label tells you the name of an item and that the caption tells you more information about that item.
  • Encourage your child to sound out the words that they want to write. Don’t worry if this means the word is spelt incorrectly.
  • Encourage your child to read what they have written.
  • Reinforce the importance of capital letters and full stops.

Class Blog

St Piran Class weekly newsletters, information and photos of your children can be found on the Class Blog. To access the Class Blog please visit www.perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk and click on Learning Platform, then Class Blogs and then St Piran.






Many thanks

Rachel Kitaruth and Laura Dix



Important dates

Harvest Festival TBC

9th October- Individual School photos.

26th-30th October- Half term.

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