Author Archives: perranporth165

Column addition in Penhaligon Class

column addition

We now call units ones. We would write T O rather than T U.

The children are brilliant at this method ask them to show you.

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This week in pictures

This week we had some special visitors from Brazil in our class. The children were able to ask them lots of questions about life in Brazil. Thank you to Mrs Veryan and Mr Timms for arranging the visit.


We enjoyed Zumba with Lucy and multi-skills with Richard Lander pupils.



We are making excellent progress in our recorder sessions.




We wore sporty clothes as part of National Sports week. Go Team Penhaligon!



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Penhaligon Newsletter Friday 30th June

Penhaligon Newsletter 30.6.17

This week in our Literacy we have continued with our Non-Chronological reports about Brazil. The children have been great at finding interesting facts on the computers.  In Maths this week we have been using column addition to solve calculations. (Please see below)



Home Learning

For Home Learning this week I would like the children to complete the reading comprehension provided. Please note some comprehensions have more than one side of questions.

Support tips:

  • Encourage your child to underline key information when reading the text.
  • Encourage your child to write the answers in full sentences.

For extra home learning this week practise your column addition at home.

Spellings this week are linked to our Phonics learning on prefixes/suffixes.

Spellings Group 1- kindness, happiness, careless, endless, payment, enjoyment, want, was, swan, swap.

Spellings Group 2- dizziness, laziness, breathless, painless, movement, amazement, wash, wander, wallet, waffles.

Times tables- Next week we will be practising the multiplication/division facts for the 5 x table.



If the children have their own recorders remember to bring them in on Monday. A letter is coming home next week about recorder lessons in September.


Thank you for your continued support


Mrs Laity and the Penhaligon Team


Friday 7th July- Own clothes day. Children to bring in a donation of wrapped sweets for the Summer Fayre. (No nuts please)

Wednesday 12th July- Paradise park trip

Thursday 13th July- Year 2 assembly and open afternoon 2pm start (Parents/carers welcome to come and watch assembly and come to share the children’s learning for the afternoon)

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KS1 Cross country

Well done to Lowena, Logan, Lila and Will who all took part in a cross country event yesterday!

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In Maths this week we have been practising finding the difference on a number line. Some children really enjoyed this method and I’m sure they would love to teach their families how to do it. In Literacy we have been learning how to write Chronological reports and how to use sub headings. In our Design and Technology this week we designed are own flags. With Mrs Davis we created our own masks.


Home Learning

For Home Learning this week I would like the children to complete the place value colouring activity. Please feel free to change the colours.

Support tips:

  • Encourage your child to solve the calculation first and then to colour it in on the hundred square.
  • Some children might prefer to solve all of the calculations first and then to start colouring them in.


Spellings this week are linked to our Phonics learning on prefixes/suffixes and some common exception words for year 2.

Spellings Group 1- wishes, foxes, unkind, uncover, dislike, bigger, biggest, slower, slowest nicest.

Spellings Group 2- princesses, guesses, disappear, invisible, happiest, funniest, even, everybody, half, again.

Times tables- Next week we will be practising the multiplication/division facts for the 2 x table.



If the children have their own recorders remember to bring them in.


Thank you for your continued support


Mrs Laity and the Penhaligon Team


Week beginning Monday 26th June- National sports week. Children will need their PE kits in school every day.

Wednesday 12th July- KS1 Trip to Paradise Park

Thursday 13th July- Year 2 assembly and open afternoon 2pm start (Parents/carers welcome to come and watch assembly and come to share the children’s learning for the afternoon)

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Baking scones

This week as part of our measurement learning we made scones. Delicious !

IMG_0575 IMG_0577 IMG_0578 IMG_0579 IMG_0586 IMG_0594 IMG_0593 IMG_0592 IMG_0590 IMG_0596 004 006 007 014 013 012 011 009 016 015 022 021 020 019 018

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Penhaligon Class Newsletter Friday 16th June

Penhaligon Newsletter 16.6.17

This week we have continued our learning on Brazil. We have been learning about Mass in Maths and enjoyed weighing ingredients to make scones with Mrs Axon. In Literacy we have started to learn about the footballer Pele.


Home Learning

For Home Learning this week I would like the children to find and record at least three facts about Brazil. For extra home learning this week make your own poster all about Brazil.

Support tips:

  • Use the search engine safe search kids to search online. We have been using this search engine in class and the children have a very good understanding of how to stay safe online.
  • Encourage your child to read their writing back to spot their own mistakes. Have they used capital letters? Is their handwriting sitting on the lines? Have they remembered to join their handwriting?

Spellings Group 1- door, floor, poor, because, find, kind, mind, behind, child, climb.

Spellings Group 2-  be, bee, blue, blew, knight, night, door, poor, floor, because.

Times tables-  Next week we will be practising the multiplication/division facts for the 10 x table.



If the children have their own recorders remember to bring them in on Mondays.


Thank you for your continued support


Mrs Laity and the Penhaligon Team


Monday 19th June- Class Photos

Thursday 13th July- Year 2 assembly and open afternoon 2pm start (Parents/carers welcome to come and watch assembly and come to share the children’s learning for the afternoon)

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Penhaligon Class Newsletter Friday 9th June 2017

Penhaligon Newsletter 9.6.17

This week we have started our new topic which is based on Brazil. We are learning to read Music in our recorder sessions and have started to think about changes in our SEAL learning. With Mrs Davis we have been learning about Brazil and Geography.


Home Learning and Reading

For Home Learning this week I would like children to try to answer the different measurement questions. Please feel free to adapt if needed.

Spellings Group 1- here, hear, one, won, sun, son, be, bee, knight, night.

Spellings Group 2- there, their, here, hear, quite, quiet, one, won, sun, son.

Times tables-  Next week we will be practising the multiplication/division facts for the 5x tables.

Please ensure you are reading with your child as often as possible. The children need to be practising their reading at home to ensure that they continue to build their fluency and develop their understanding. Please initial their reading record when you have read with them.



If the children have their own recorders remember to bring them in on Mondays.


Thank you for your continued support


Mrs Laity and the Penhaligon Team


Monday 19th June- Class Photos

Thursday 13th July- Year 2 assembly and open afternoon 2pm start (Parents/carers welcome to come and watch assembly and come to share the children’s learning for the afternoon)

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St Piran Home Learning 9th June 2017

St Piran Home Learning –  June 9th 2017


Home learning

Next week we will be using money in our Maths lessons.  For Home learning I would like the children to familiarise themselves with the different coins and notes.  With a crayon, they can do some coin rubbings in their home learning book and label them with the amount each one is worth.

For an extra challenge, how many different ways they can make 20p?



Support tips:


  • Look at the coins together. Talk about how we know how much each is worth.


  • Show your child equal amounts, for example, that ten 1p coins are the same amount as one 10p coin.
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St Piran Newsletter Thursday 25th May

St Piran – Home learning – Thursday 25th May 2017



For home learning this week I would like the children to practise talking about what they’ve been doing!  Talking about things really helps children to order their ideas so that their writing makes better sense.

On the first Monday back, I will be asking the children to write a recount of their holiday.  It will give them extra confidence if they’ve had the chance to talk their ideas through before coming into school.


Support tips

  • Talk to your child about a particular day or activity.
  • Ask them questions about it. Can you remember the name of where we went? Which part did you enjoy most?  What happened after that? Can you remember what we did first? Etc.
  • It’s not necessary to write anything down. If you wish you extend your child’s learning further, encourage them to draw pictures of the events in order or to use words such as first, then, after, finally when they talk about the events of the day. (It is better to focus on 1 activity/day out rather than try and order the whole week – we’re not writing a diary)


Children may bring a small souvenir to help remind them of a day out.  It could be a leaflet/ticket about an activity or a stone/leaf they found at the park/beach/garden.


The Phonics Screening Check will be taking place the week beginning the 12th June. Please continue to practise reading, phonics and spellings wherever you can.




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