Daily Archives: June 11, 2015

St Piran Class Newsletter Thursday 11th June 2015

Phonics Screening Check

The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check statutory assessment will take place next week. The children will asked to read 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. The check will take up to ten minutes and will be conducted by myself on a one to one basis in the meeting room. I have explained to the children that they will all be reading real words and alien words with me in the meeting room but do not wish to worry the children about the check. All children have read real words and nonsense words with me previously which means that the check should not cause the children any distress.

Support tips:

  • Use your phonics pack to practise reading real words and nonsense words with your child.
  • Use the Phonics Play website to practise sorting real words and nonsense words.


For homework this week I would like the children to practise their phonics by using their phonics books, reading real words and nonsense words, and playing on phonics games on the Phonics Play website. I will not be setting spellings for this week.



Our class will be swimming on a Monday afternoon and on a Thursday morning. Each child will need to have a named swimming costume and a towel in school with them on these days. If you would like your child to wear goggles, please bring in a note confirming you give permission for your child to wear goggles whilst swimming. If you would like to volunteer to help the children change or are willing to help from in the pool please come and see myself or a member of the team to discuss details and availability.


Special visitor

Hopefully next week we will be having a special visit from a puppy and their owner who is an experienced dog breeder. We will be learning about how to look after a puppy and discussing the changes that will happen to the puppy as it grows up. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding allergies, phobias etc.



Many thanks

Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team



Important dates

Tuesday 23rd June- St Piran class trip to the zoo.

Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon 2pm.

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