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Daily Archives: February 6, 2015
Penhaligon Newsletter 6th February 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have worked really hard on our assembly – the children have written their own parts and can’t wait to show you on Tuesday!
As you know, this half term, we have trialled mixed age group phonics lessons. It is now apparent that it would be more beneficial for the children to be taught their age appropriate phonics with any gaps in learning filled during extra sessions. Starting on Monday, children will stay in their usual class for their phonics lessons and the session will be differentiated to ensure all abilities are catered for.
Phonics training for parents
Please come to our training session for parents straight after our Class Assembly on Tuesday 10th February. There will childcare for the children in Key Stage 1, Foundation Stage and any siblings who you need to bring along. We will explain how we teach phonics and how you can support your child at home. It will be very informal and we hope you will find it extremely useful.
It is essential that your child reads at least 5 times a week at home, ideally every day. It only needs to be for 10 minutes so please make the time. Helping you child to read will have the biggest impact on their learning for the rest of their lives.
It has become apparent that some children are changing their books without finishing them so from now on, children will need to check with us before they change their book as they have done in previous years. Please write in their reading record so that we know where they have read to with you. Many thanks for your support with this.
If you have any questions, please come in to see me or email me on sburns@perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk.
Thank you,
Mrs Burns
Posted in Penhaligon
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