Category Archives: News

Romans Topic Homework Grid

Boscawen Homework Grid for ‘Romans’ topic Summer 2017

Choose one activity each week and bring it into school on Wednesday.  We will send books back out on Thursday.  If you can’t get the work done at home, we have homework club on Friday at lunchtime.

Homework (photos etc.) can be emailed to us at or .

Remember that during the week you also need to:

  • Learn your spellings.
  • Read at least 5 times a week and record it in your reading record (remember to bring in your reading record on Friday.)
  • Practise your weekly times table (2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or 10), as well as your 99 Club sheet.
Week 1

Due in 26th April

Week 2

Due in 3rd May

Week 3

Due in 10th May

Week 4

Due in 17th May

Week 5

Due in 24th May

Literacy Reviewer

Read a book or

watch a film /

TV program about the Romans and write a review. You should include details about the content and decide what was good or  not so good and explain why.


Find a Roman recipe. Create a step by step set of instructions for a primary school student to follow.


Maths Go on a shape hunt at home.  Which 3d shapes can you spot in the objects around you? Draw and label the shapes you spot.


Think of different ways of sorting the shapes – which criteria would you use?

Roman Numerals.

Make some Roman Numeral number sentences for your friends or family to solve.

Can you write your date of birth in Roman Numerals?

Art Design a toy for a Roman child.  Remember it can only be made of materials which the Romans had – no plastic!

You can draw or paint your toy, don’t forget to label it – or you can make it and bring it in to show us!

Design a comic strip that tells the story of a major event in Roman history. It should include pictures and text. You could choose:The death of Caesar

The fall of Rome

or another event.

Research The Romans spoke a language called Latin.

What can you find out about it? Can you find some Latin words which are still used today in this country?

Research a Roman town. You can present your findings in a town profile. Examples:





Wild card WILD CARD

Do any piece of work you like based on our topic.  It can be art, writing, maths, cooking or anything else you are interested in. Take photos if you can’t bring it in.


Do any piece of work you like based on our topic.  It can be art, writing, maths, cooking or anything else you are interested in. Take photos if you can’t bring it in

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Chair Making

After receiving 50 diamond tickets, Davy class were eligible to a lesson of their choice. Ruby suggested a design and technology lesson and Martha suggested that we could make chairs. In order to complete the task, the children separated into small groups and were allowed 20 newspapers and 1 roll of masking tape.

Mr Lara was invited to test the chairs and he scored them on appearance,  comfort and stability. The “Electric Symmetric” chair won with 25 out of a possible 30 marks. This chair was designed and made by Jesse, Stanley, Tyler, Alfie and Guy who shared a small prize.

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E-safety is an important part of our Computing Curriculum at school . Please use the link below to complete the quiz! There will be a prize for the class that completes the most! Make sure you add your full name at the beginning!

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Trevithick Class Newsletter – November 2016

Welcome back! I hope you have had a lovely half term and are ready for the busy term ahead.


SEAL stands for Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (see attached newsletter). Our theme for this half term is ‘Getting on and Falling Out’.

The Topics for this term

Week 1 Diwali – Let’s Light up the Sky
Week 2 Diwali – Let’s Light up the Sky
Week 3 Diwali – Let’s Light up the Sky
Week 4 The Animal Boogie
Week 5 The Animal Boogie
Week 6 It’s Christmas!
Week 7 It’s Christmas!

This half term we are starting our learning with some activities focussed on Diwali and celebrations. We will be making Diwa lamps, rangoli patterns, tasting Indian foods and looking at how other cultures celebrate special festivals.

We will be also be using the story ‘The Animal Boogie’, playing animal snap and pairs, learning animal songs, role playing the story and looking at the patterns on the animals e.g. leopard. You could look at other animal patterns with your children e.g. tiger, zebra etc. We will also be thinking about how we can describe the animals using adjectives e.g. the slithery snake, the huge, brown bear etc. Have a go at thinking of some awesome adjectives to describe an animal!

We will also be learning about celebrations including Diwali and Christmas. We will be sharing ‘The Christmas Story’ and discussing why Christians celebrate this festival. Both these topics lend themselves to fantastic art – have a go a designing a Rangoli pattern with your child or creating a Christmas scene using junk materials. If you would like more information about our topics or ideas for supporting your child at home please speak to me or your child’s key worker.

Reading and Homework:

All the children have a book to share with you and it is important that they do a little bit of reading every night. I have noticed that some parents are forgetting to record when their child has been reading. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. Please continue to read and learn the key words and support your child with their phonics. I will be going through the key words sheet with your child this half term! Our sounds are – ck e, h, r, m, d and g. This half term we are focussing on the days of the week and months of the year. Practise these with your child and encourage them to know when their birthday is. We are also thinking about celebrations – if you have been to any celebrations, for example, weddings, christenings, birthdays, or cultural festivals and would like to share these experiences please send photos or come and talk to the children about these events. Please see the Early Years Talk Homework sheet for ways to support your child’s speech, language and communication development.


P.E is on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt) and they should wear sensible footwear. Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform.

Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practise with the children in Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time. THANK YOU to the parents who are already volunteering. Don’t forget to check Tapestry and upload any “WOW” moments. A quick reminder that children should not be bringing toys into school, the classroom can get very busy and toys go missing which leads to unnecessary distress for the children.

Important Dates:

Monday 9th  and Thursday 12th November- Parent’s Evening (please see me to make an appointment)

Wednesday 14th December 2016- Trevithick & St Piran Nativity at 2pm.

Friday 16th December – Last day of term.

Finally, it is getting cold please ensure your child has a coat in school.

Nadia Lampier, Samuel Barnes, Helen Sutton & Lizzie White

Rangoli Pattern

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Wyl Menmuir and students from Richard Lander School visited today and we produced some creative writing with them.

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Home-learning grid Autumn 1 2016 (paper copies, spellings and maths sheets in the classroom)

  Literacy/Topic Maths Spellings X tables Reading
Set: 16.9.16


Due in: 21.9.16

Create a 3D model of a planet, spaceship or a piece of space equipment. You can use any materials that you like. When you bring it in you will get a chance to explain what you have created to the class and facts about your 3D model. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Number and Place Value.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 23.9.16


Due in: 28.9.16

Find an interesting picture of an object in our solar system. This could be a planet, a moon, a star, a comet, a constellation etc or something man-made like a space rocket or satellite. Draw or print out and stick the picture into your home learning book. Write a description of it. Use a lot of adjectives! With the picture this should be a minimum of one page. You can word-process it on the computer if you want. Do the ‘People or Pets’ worksheet.


This activity helps reinforce the units of measurement. It is important to be able to convert from one unit to another.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 30.9.16


Due in: 5.10.16

Draw a storyboard of someone going into space. Think about their preparation, blast-off, flying out of Earth’s atmosphere and finally getting into space. This could be a comic strip or cartoon. Add in some captions and speech for your character. Do this on one page of A4 paper minimum. It is fine to make it on the computer if you want. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Add and Subtract- Mental.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.


Set: 7.10.16


Due in: 12.10.16

Listen to ‘Mars-The Bringer of War’ by Gustav Holst and compare it to a modern pop song of your choice. Write down what your song choices are and what you like about each of them. Which is your favourite and why? Half a page of A4 minimum. Do the ‘How long is my series’ worksheet.

This activity helps children practise doing calculations with amounts of time. This is always tricky because of the change in unit from minutes to

hours/days/weeks, etc.


Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 14.10,16


Due in: 19.10.16

To stop their bodies weakening, astronauts have to exercise every day. Create a series of exercises that astronauts could do. Remember that they are weightless in space. Be prepared to demonstrate them in the classroom. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Add and Subtract- Written.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
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Humanities Day 19.5.16

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Cake Sale 16-17th May 2016!!!

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Science Week Assembly 17.03.16

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Hour of Code

This week the Code Clubbers have been taking part in the Studio Code , Hour of Code!

Great fun was had by all, creating and debugging programs with some of our favorite themes and characters such as Minecraft, Star Wars and Frozen!

Displaying IMG_2498.JPG    Displaying IMG_2499.JPG    Displaying IMG_2500.JPG

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