Home-learning grid Autumn 1 2016 (paper copies, spellings and maths sheets in the classroom)

  Literacy/Topic Maths Spellings X tables Reading
Set: 16.9.16


Due in: 21.9.16

Create a 3D model of a planet, spaceship or a piece of space equipment. You can use any materials that you like. When you bring it in you will get a chance to explain what you have created to the class and facts about your 3D model. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Number and Place Value.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 23.9.16


Due in: 28.9.16

Find an interesting picture of an object in our solar system. This could be a planet, a moon, a star, a comet, a constellation etc or something man-made like a space rocket or satellite. Draw or print out and stick the picture into your home learning book. Write a description of it. Use a lot of adjectives! With the picture this should be a minimum of one page. You can word-process it on the computer if you want. Do the ‘People or Pets’ worksheet.


This activity helps reinforce the units of measurement. It is important to be able to convert from one unit to another.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 30.9.16


Due in: 5.10.16

Draw a storyboard of someone going into space. Think about their preparation, blast-off, flying out of Earth’s atmosphere and finally getting into space. This could be a comic strip or cartoon. Add in some captions and speech for your character. Do this on one page of A4 paper minimum. It is fine to make it on the computer if you want. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Add and Subtract- Mental.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.


Set: 7.10.16


Due in: 12.10.16

Listen to ‘Mars-The Bringer of War’ by Gustav Holst and compare it to a modern pop song of your choice. Write down what your song choices are and what you like about each of them. Which is your favourite and why? Half a page of A4 minimum. Do the ‘How long is my series’ worksheet.

This activity helps children practise doing calculations with amounts of time. This is always tricky because of the change in unit from minutes to

hours/days/weeks, etc.


Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 14.10,16


Due in: 19.10.16

To stop their bodies weakening, astronauts have to exercise every day. Create a series of exercises that astronauts could do. Remember that they are weightless in space. Be prepared to demonstrate them in the classroom. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Add and Subtract- Written.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
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