Monthly Archives: April 2017

Romans Topic Homework Grid

Boscawen Homework Grid for ‘Romans’ topic Summer 2017

Choose one activity each week and bring it into school on Wednesday.  We will send books back out on Thursday.  If you can’t get the work done at home, we have homework club on Friday at lunchtime.

Homework (photos etc.) can be emailed to us at or .

Remember that during the week you also need to:

  • Learn your spellings.
  • Read at least 5 times a week and record it in your reading record (remember to bring in your reading record on Friday.)
  • Practise your weekly times table (2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or 10), as well as your 99 Club sheet.
Week 1

Due in 26th April

Week 2

Due in 3rd May

Week 3

Due in 10th May

Week 4

Due in 17th May

Week 5

Due in 24th May

Literacy Reviewer

Read a book or

watch a film /

TV program about the Romans and write a review. You should include details about the content and decide what was good or  not so good and explain why.


Find a Roman recipe. Create a step by step set of instructions for a primary school student to follow.


Maths Go on a shape hunt at home.  Which 3d shapes can you spot in the objects around you? Draw and label the shapes you spot.


Think of different ways of sorting the shapes – which criteria would you use?

Roman Numerals.

Make some Roman Numeral number sentences for your friends or family to solve.

Can you write your date of birth in Roman Numerals?

Art Design a toy for a Roman child.  Remember it can only be made of materials which the Romans had – no plastic!

You can draw or paint your toy, don’t forget to label it – or you can make it and bring it in to show us!

Design a comic strip that tells the story of a major event in Roman history. It should include pictures and text. You could choose:The death of Caesar

The fall of Rome

or another event.

Research The Romans spoke a language called Latin.

What can you find out about it? Can you find some Latin words which are still used today in this country?

Research a Roman town. You can present your findings in a town profile. Examples:





Wild card WILD CARD

Do any piece of work you like based on our topic.  It can be art, writing, maths, cooking or anything else you are interested in. Take photos if you can’t bring it in.


Do any piece of work you like based on our topic.  It can be art, writing, maths, cooking or anything else you are interested in. Take photos if you can’t bring it in

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Trengrouse Home-Learning, Summer 1, week 1

Hi there,

We hope you have all had a fabulous Easter break and the children are excited to be back in school.

Please find attached our home-learning for the first week of the summer term – it contains details on our new focus on times table knowledge – if you have any questions or queries on this please let me know at your convenience.

We also have our Eden Project trip this Friday – please ensure your children are suitably clothed with comfortable, sturdy footwear, a healthy packed lunch and plenty of drinking water.

Mr Harris.

home-learning, 19.04.17

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Summer Term

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All Stars Cricket Message April 2017

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Trevithick Class Newsletter – April 2017

Welcome back! I hope you had an enjoyable break and are ready for the summer term.  This term we welcome Mrs Fiona Harrington to the EYFS team and we are pleased to have trainee teacher, Samuel Barnes back in Trevithick Class.

Questionnaire results and feedback:

Many thanks again to all those who completed the questionnaire and the positive comments that we received. Don’t forget you can access this newsletter at

If you have any concerns or questions please arrange an appointment to see me at your convenience.



SEAL stands for Social and Emotional aspects of learning. Our theme this half term is ‘Relationships’. Please read the attached sheet for how to support your child with their learning.



It is lovely to see the progress many of the children are making in their reading. Please let me know if your child needs to change a book or if you want a couple of books to keep them going. This is the final term in EYFS and I will be assessing their progress in the key words before they move to KS1. Keep practising!!!

It is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. Thank you! Please check your child’s book bag regularly for notes and newsletters. We will be starting quiet reading on a Tuesday and Thursday morning and hopefully this will enable me to hear them read more frequently.


Week 1 Handa’s Surprise (see attached sheet for ideas for home learning)
Week 2 Handa’s Surprise
Week 3 Jack and the Beanstalk
Week 4 Jack and the Beanstalk
Week 5 The Hungry Caterpillar
Week 6 The Hungry Caterpillar
Week 7 The Hungry Caterpillar


Area of learning Home learning activities
PSED See attached sheet for how you can help. Our theme is ‘Relationships’
CLL (Literacy)

WE USE THE JOLLY PHONICS MATERIALS – available from Early Learning Centre/Waterstones and Amazon


The letters and sounds we are learning are w, ng, v, oo, y, x, ch Look for these sounds in reading books and the environment. Have a go at writing words that contain these sounds. This term we will be learning about ourselves and living and growing. We will be reading the book The Very Hungry Caterpilllar. Read other stories by Eric Carle, discuss life cycles or have a go at writing your own version of the story. Write a list of the foods the caterpillar ate.  Continue to practise the key words and use them to write sentences.


Continue to practice number bonds to 10 and beyond. Add up all the food the caterpillar eats in the story. Write addition and subtraction sums for the different foods.  Learn the days of the week and ask questions e.g. if today is Saturday, what day will it be tomorrow etc? Sequence days of the week cards.
EAD We will be learning songs and rhymes about caterpillars and a song to help us learn the days of the week.  Use things at home to make caterpillars and butterflies. Draw pictures of the different foods the caterpillar ate – discuss foods your child likes/dislikes.



P.E continues to be on a Friday morning. Please make sure their P.E kit is in school and that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform to prevent it getting lost.


Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)

In the summer term we will be beginning our Sex and relationships education. You will receive further information about this. Please don’t panic about this as the YR requirements are not too scary! Please feel free to contact me if you wish to view the materials or want more information about our policies on SRE.


Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practise with the children in Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time. Please continue to record significant experiences (that make you say ‘wow’) that your child does at home, for example, if they read to a sibling, swam underwater, helped with some cooking etc. Please return it to school and I can celebrate these achievements with them. You can use Tapestry! They also support the judgements I make about the children when completing the Foundation Stage Profile.


Important Dates

EYFS Graduation – Tuesday 18th July

SRE week – TBC

Sport’s morning – Wednesday 5th July (9.30 – 10.30)

Teddy Bear’s Picnic – Monday 17th July

Nadia Lampier, Samuel Barnes, Lizzie White, Fiona Harrington.

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