Daily Archives: September 7, 2016

Trevithick – Sept 16

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Trengrouse Class Home-learning, 07.09.16

Hi there!

I hope you all had restful and enjoyable summer breaks!

Trengrouse’s home-learning for the week is attached below.  As stated in the other news section, to become more ecologically aware, we will only print hard copies of home-learning to families that specifically request it.

We will always post it on here on a Wednesday so that you and your child can view/print it as required.

We will have a parental open afternoon in the next week or so where I will go through some class admin (including home-learning expectations), but I have also written briefly about it on this week’s sheet.

If you have any questions or queries please do let us know and we will endeavour to support you as best we can!

We expect to see the children’s home-learning evidence and reading diaries on Tuesday mornings and, for those that require it, children have access to home-learning club on Monday lunchtimes (and other days by appointment!).


Mr Harris.

home-learning, number 1, 07.09.16

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Home-learning grid Autumn 1 2016 (paper copies, spellings and maths sheets in the classroom)

  Literacy/Topic Maths Spellings X tables Reading
Set: 16.9.16


Due in: 21.9.16

Create a 3D model of a planet, spaceship or a piece of space equipment. You can use any materials that you like. When you bring it in you will get a chance to explain what you have created to the class and facts about your 3D model. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Number and Place Value.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 23.9.16


Due in: 28.9.16

Find an interesting picture of an object in our solar system. This could be a planet, a moon, a star, a comet, a constellation etc or something man-made like a space rocket or satellite. Draw or print out and stick the picture into your home learning book. Write a description of it. Use a lot of adjectives! With the picture this should be a minimum of one page. You can word-process it on the computer if you want. Do the ‘People or Pets’ worksheet.


This activity helps reinforce the units of measurement. It is important to be able to convert from one unit to another.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 30.9.16


Due in: 5.10.16

Draw a storyboard of someone going into space. Think about their preparation, blast-off, flying out of Earth’s atmosphere and finally getting into space. This could be a comic strip or cartoon. Add in some captions and speech for your character. Do this on one page of A4 paper minimum. It is fine to make it on the computer if you want. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Add and Subtract- Mental.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.


Set: 7.10.16


Due in: 12.10.16

Listen to ‘Mars-The Bringer of War’ by Gustav Holst and compare it to a modern pop song of your choice. Write down what your song choices are and what you like about each of them. Which is your favourite and why? Half a page of A4 minimum. Do the ‘How long is my series’ worksheet.

This activity helps children practise doing calculations with amounts of time. This is always tricky because of the change in unit from minutes to

hours/days/weeks, etc.


Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
Set: 14.10,16


Due in: 19.10.16

To stop their bodies weakening, astronauts have to exercise every day. Create a series of exercises that astronauts could do. Remember that they are weightless in space. Be prepared to demonstrate them in the classroom. Spend 30 minutes doing activities on Matheltics – Add and Subtract- Written.


If you have completed this section (including the ‘Something harder’ button) then spend 30 minutes on an area of Mathletics that is one of your targets.

Learn your group’s weekly spellings for a test every Wednesday.   Learn your 1 to 12 x tables and related division fact for the 99 club test every Wednesday. 5 to 10 minutes a night. Update your yellow reading record.
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Class newsletter – Autumn 2016

I hope that you had a great summer holiday and I would like to welcome you and your child to Trelawny Class!

I normally print weekly newsletters every Friday. They contain information on what children have been learning in class, what learning is coming up and also important class diary dates (trips etc) that might not feature on the school newsletter. I will also copy the newsletter onto the class blog. Please read the school newsletter (given out every Friday) for whole school diary dates and information.


New topic!

For the first half-term our class topic will be ‘To the Stars’, covering all things space related. To give you an idea of what we will be covering I have printed the overall plan on the reverse of this letter. Maths is taught separately but also follows the National Curriculum.

Reading books

This week children need to choose a book to have as their home and school reading book. They can choose one from home or one from school (we have a selection in the classroom). Try choosing something that interests you but also challenges you. Non-fiction books are fine. Children will be given new reading records this week. It is essential that they read 5 to 10 minutes every week day and update their reading records regularly. Every Friday I will collect reading records in to check. On Friday there is a 15 minutes extra play reward for children who have read every week day and also completed all of their home-learning.



Home-learning is a great way to get involved with what your child is learning in class and to support their academic development and progress. Home-learning will be set every Friday and taken in / tested on every Wednesday. I’m going to give children a chance to settle in first before issuing the first set of home-learning next Friday. Pupils will have five sets of homework to complete each week:

  1. Reading (5 to 10 minutes every night)
  2. Spellings
  3. Literacy / Topic
  4. Maths
  5. Practice times tables

Please feel free to come and see me if you would like me to explain the home-learning set. If home-learning sheets are lost, there are lots of spare ones in the classroom on the working wall and also on the Trelawny Class blog on the school website. Children can either complete their home-learning in their new yellow home-learning book or word process it and stick it in to their yellow book. If children consistently get high marks in their spellings and need something more challenging then they can move on to a harder level sheet (or alternatively, if it is far too challenging then they can move onto something more suitable). Also, if children need something at school to complete their home-learning (like the internet or library books) then please see me and we will be able to sort that out.



PE will be every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon (starting next week). Children need to bring their full PE kit, including PE shoes, on those days (and also any days when they are doing additional sporting events). We try to get outside even if the weather is poor!


If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me! My email address is:   phoughton@perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk


Mr Houghton & Mrs Morris (TA)

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