Daily Archives: November 13, 2015

Penhaligon newsletter 13.11.15

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Children in need

We dressed up to raise money for children in need . . . 064 065 060 061 062 063

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St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 13th November

This Week

This week in Maths we have been learning about shape. We went on a shape hunt in the classroom and have been describing shapes by their properties. In English we have been learning about invitations and wrote our own invitations in our Special Write this week. In Science we learnt about the sun. We made our own suns using oil pastels and recorded our own facts about the sun.



This week in Phonics we have learnt the ‘ou’, ‘ie’, and ‘ea’ phonemes. If you have any free time please practise words with these phonemes in with your child. Next week we will be learning the ‘oy’, ‘ir’ and ‘ue’ phonemes you may wish to get a head start on these phonemes. We have just begun phase 5 of our phonics. In this phase we will be learning some new phonemes and the alternative pronunciations and spellings of phonemes we already know.


Home learning

This week in English our learning has focussed on the Charlie and Lola story ‘This is actually my party’. We have created our own freeze frames for parts of the story and written sentences about different parts of the story. For home learning this week I would like the children to write about the best birthday party they have ever been to. I would like all children to write at least one sentence about a birthday party. For an extra challenge see if you can include wow words (adjectives) in your writing.

Support tips:

  • Talk to your child about the best party they have ever been invited to.
  • Discuss what made it such a good party.
  • Encourage your child to sound out the words they want to use in their writing.
  • Encourage phonetic spelling unless it is a tricky word (words that we can’t sound out such as the) or a high frequency word that they recognise (e.g. have).
  • Ask your child to read through their writing to check that it makes sense and to check for capital letters and full stops.

Oliver Jeffers Trip

We are going on our trip on Monday. Children need to be in their school uniform and to either be wearing or carrying a waterproof coat. If possible please put your child’s packed lunch into a rucksack or bag for them to carry.  Please make sure your child has a packed lunch and a drink (unless you have ordered lunch from the kitchen). As you will be aware we are a nut free school. A pupil coming on the trip has a nut allergy. Please make sure nut products are not included in your child’s packed lunch.


Many thanks

Rachel Kitaruth and Laura Dix



Important dates


Monday 16th November- EYFS & Year 1 Oliver Jeffers trip.

Tuesday 24th November- KS1 parents invited to have lunch in school.

Friday 4th December- NSPCC Bobble hat day.

Wednesday 16th December- Christmas Lunch.

Wednesday 16th December 2pm- Year 1 and EYFS Nativity.

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Celebration and Stars of the Week; 13.11.15

Hi everyone,

Here are the learners and stars of the week at Perranporth.  We are very proud of all of our children and their fantastic learning this week…


Michael Shelley for persevering with his learning!

St Piran

Saskia Talbot for settling in to the class brilliantly! It is lovely to have you here with us!

Seb Whiteley for being a resourceful and imaginative writer.


Alex Day and Jack Penhaul for excellent creative writing!

Zack Brakes for showing superb resilience in all lessons.


Marshall Jonson for fantastic, neat writing.

Lilah Talbot for settling in so quickly! It is great to have you with us at Perranporth!0.

Mesi Walsh for resilience across all parts of school!


Lia Wisnievski for being a reflective learner in our RE session and moving groups to improve your learning focus!

Toby Retallack for being a reflective learner during our RE session on leadership and qualities of leaders.


Hayleigh Regan and Jago Bell for superb resilience in maths!


Kerys and Kyle for superb resilience in maths!!


Other celebrations this week…

Well done to the year 6’s who have made it to the 99 club for times table and mental maths skills – we hope some children from other classes will soon be joining them!!

Well done to Lucas and Ollie for stepping into the Bronze club – you are super at mental maths skills!!

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Boscawen Newsletter 13th November 2015 


Dear Parents and Carers,

It was lovely to see so many of you at Parents’ Evening – if you couldn’t make, please come and see either of us to set a time that is convenient.

You will have noticed that homework this half term is slightly different.  You should have received a grid which shows the homework for each week up to Christmas (no homework for the last couple of weeks of term.) Each week there is a choice of 2 activities, with a variety of curriculum areas covered over the course of the term.  We hope this will be easier and more fun for the children as they have some say in what they complete for homework.

In numeracy, the children have been learning how to explain the methods they have used to work out answers to word problems.  This ensures that they think through not only how to get an answer but also check that they have used the best method, e.g. a number line, column addition or using resources like 100 squares or base 10 materials.

We have continued to base our work on our class book, The Boy of the Painted Cave, which runs alongside our topic work on the Stone Age.

Thank you to everyone for making such a great effort for Children in Need – the children looked fantastic!

As always, if you have any questions, please come in and see us, or email us on esmitheram@perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk or sburns@perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk .

Thank you.

Mrs Burns and Mrs Smitheram.

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Spellings for week commencing 16/11/15


Spellings sent home 13th November 2015



make, people, looked, some, his, like, asked, about, they, there



badge, edge, bridge, dodge, fudge, age, huge, change, charge, village



subdivide, subheading, submarine, submerge, interact, intercity, international, internet, impatient, disobey

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Boscawen Children in Need

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