Daily Archives: January 7, 2014

Boscawen News – Welcome back 08.01.14

Boscawen News

Welcome back 08.01.14

Hello everyone and welcome back to the spring term! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas with plenty of rest! We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Mr Lane. He is a PGCE student from Plymouth who has come to work with Boscawen until half term.


This term in Boscawen our topic will be Nims Island! The children will be using the book as a basis for learning about local geography, environmental issues, map reading, story writing, raft building, rocks and soils and much more! In ICT we will be learning about email and will link with a school in a contrasting locality. An overview of our planning will be available in the class blog soon.


As you all know the children have been completing big writes every couple of weeks. This week our big write will be all about instructions. Please take 10 minutes to discuss different types of written instructions with your child before Friday. Maybe look at some recipe books or search online to remind your child what the format of a good recipe looks like, how much detail is included and what makes a recipe really appeal to a reader. The children will DO NOT need to bring in any evidence of this as it can just be a conversation to jog their memory before their independent writing session on Friday where they will be asked to write their own set of instructions for making or cooking something of their choice.


As we will be making miniature sizes rafts and testing materials please start saving up any polystyrene or plastic trays (not from raw meat) , a few bottle tops. lollypop sticks, kitchen roll tubes etc that we could use! We won’t be making until at week 3 so plenty of time!


As the children may have mentioned we are starting a new PE curriculum this term. It is a new fun and action packed approach to PE that aims to encourage children to join in and try a wide range of sporting activities whilst gaining confidence to have a go and work as part of a team. There will be a selection of new afterschool clubs available and more news and opportunities to sign up will be sent home soon! Our PE days are Monday and Thursday this term but as always can be subject to change so please make sure a labelled PE kit is in school every day and that is has suitable clothing for both indoor and outdoor activities, we won’t be stopped by the Cornish winter!


This term we will switch the multiplications tests for spelling activities! You will see a new spelling activity arrive home with your chid on a Friday to be completed/learnt ready to test the following Friday. This will start next week.


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to pop in and see us or email esmitheram@perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk or jroberson@perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk



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