Category Archives: Trevithick

Trevithick Class Newsletter -September 2015

Trevithick Class News

Welcome to the first Trevithick Class Newsletter!!! I hope you all had a lovely summer. I look forward to meeting you and working with your child.

This will be a regular feature from me and aims to inform you of news, topics and important dates. If you have any concerns please see me or a teaching assistant as soon as possible. You can also keep up with what is happening in Trevithick Class by visiting our blog available on our school website

SEAL: What is SEAL?

SEAL stands for Social and emotional aspects of Learning (see attached newsletter). Our theme for this half term is ‘New Beginnings’.

Key Persons:

Each child has a key person who will work closely with your child to ensure their needs are met. Please feel free to talk to your child’s key person and share relevant information that may affect your child’s progress.

Key Worker Groups

Nadia Lampier Kerri Green Lizzie White/Samuel Barnes
Sennen Bodhi Poppy
Henry Essie Ellie
Skye Lebron Aidan
Ethan Sienna Alfie
Isabel Lauryn Eli
Lexi Meg Wilow
Ruby Isla Michael
Jack Summer James
Judah Skylah Logan
Cory Gida Jacob
Molly Lowenna

 Reading and Homework:

All the children have a book to share with you and it is important that they do a little bit of reading every night. This term I will be changing their reading books once a week, however it is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. Thank you! For more information about our reading scheme please attend our ‘Parent Meeting’ later in the term (date to be confirmed).  Please check your child’s book bag regularly for notes and newsletters. Children have received a laminated copy of the 45 key words and handwriting and numeral practice. Encourage your child to practise forming the letters and numerals correctly.


  • Share books and read with your child every day.
  • Get them to school on time.
  • Encourage your child to be independent; dressing, toileting and eating
  • Practise maths together (counting, recognising and writing numbers 0 – 20)
  • Share the sounds your child has learnt each week.
  • Contribute to your child’s learning journey. Use WOW Moments or update Tapestry.
  • Discuss, explore and question with your child whilst out and about.
  • Come along to school events like parents evenings. This lets you know what is going on and lets your child know that you are supporting them.

WOW Moments:

Attached is a sheet for you to record observations of your child at home. It can be used to help build a picture of your child’s development or any other significant information you wish to share with us. I have included some previous ‘WOW moments’ so you can see what kind of information might be relevant.

‘Ollie used my lap top to write the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.’

‘Joe sang Cornish songs to his Daddy at home.’

‘Emily used a knife to butter her own toast this morning.’

‘Ben amazed us by riding his bike without stabilisers for the first time.’

‘Jade wrote all her number to 10 without help from me – well done.’

We are also continuing to use the ‘Tapestry’ online Learning Journey please contribute to this and we will share their successes in class.


We use a range of strategies and schemes to teach phonics these include Jolly Phonics and Letters and Sounds. Each week your child will be learning a new letter, the sound it makes and will be practicing forming it correctly. The sounds we will be learning this half term are s, a, t, i, p, n.  Play ‘Eye Spy’ with your child focussing on these sounds.


P.E will be on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt) in school. Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform. If you wish to send your child in with a bottle of water, please make sure it is labelled clearly with your child’s name and put it in the blue tray next to the book bags.

Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practice with the children in Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time.

Meet the Teacher:

You are invited to a ‘Welcome Meeting’ on Wednesday 9th Sept at 3.30 and repeated at 4.30 in Trevithick Class.  Join us for coffee and an informal chat about how you can best support your child with their learning.

Important Dates:

Meet the teacher – 9/9/15

Parent’s Evening – TBC

Harvest Festival – TBC


Nadia Lampier, Kerri Green

Lizzie White, Samuel Barnes & Helen Thipthorp

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Trevithick Class News – June 2015

Trevithick Class Newsletter – June 2015

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely break .We have a busy (and long) half term ahead! We are pleased to welcome back Mrs Price, she will be teaching the class alongside me for the next 8 weeks. We wish her all the best in her final teaching practise.


SEAL stands for Social and emotional aspects of Learning. Our theme for this half term is ‘Changes’’. Please see the attached sheet on ways of supporting your child in this area.

Reading and Homework:

All the children have a book to share with you and it is important that they do a little bit of reading every night. It is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. Thank you!  Continue to read and learn the key words.


Week 1 It’s a bugs life
Week 2 It’s a bugs life
Week 3 Water and The Whale Song
Week 4 Water and the Whale Song
Week 5 Water and the Whale Song
Week 6 Ourselves (SRE week) Please see me if you have any concerns about the content of the curriculum)
Week 7 Seaside Holidays
Week 8 Seaside Holidays



Area of Learning Home learning activities
PSED See attached sheet for how you can help. Our theme is ‘Changes’.
CLL (literacy)


The letters and sounds we are learning this half term are sh, th, qu, oi, er, igh and ar Practise writing words that contain these sounds, recognising them in their reading books and in the environment. We will also be recapping all previous sounds and the tricky words.

This term we will be learning about the ‘Seaside’ and our local environment. Support your child by talking about where you live, writing and sending a postcard, investigate what holidays were like in the past – have you got any old holiday pictures we could share? Continue to practise the key words and use them to write simple sentences.

Maths  Use the sheet to continue to form all numerals correctly. Work out addition and subtraction sums remembering to put the bigger number first! Practise ‘tap and unwrap’ strategy to solve number problems beyond 10.  Collect seaside objects e.g. things found on the beach – count and sort them into sets. Count ‘beachy’ things e.g. the number of wind breaks, buckets, shells etc – make a tally chart of all the things you see at the beach.
EAD –Expressive Art and Design In music we are learning a song about holidays and listening to sounds we hear at the seaside. What sounds can you hear at home, on the beach and in town? Use objects to create a beach scene – discuss how the objects feel, smell etc. Paint or draw pictures of what you enjoy doing on your holidays. Discuss any holidays abroad and what you did, look at holiday brochures and cut and stick pictures of where you would like to go.


P.E continues to be on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt) and they should wear sensible footwear. Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform. Trainers or plimsolls will be needed this term.

We are hoping to start swimming on Monday (1pm-2pm) and Wednesday (2pm-3-pm) Our first session will hopefully be next week (weather permitting). Your child will need their swimming costume, a towel and they can bring in goggles if needed. If you are able to help change the children or are willing to go in the pool with the children please see me as soon as possible.

 Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practise with the children in

Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time.


Please continue to record significant experiences (that make you say ‘wow’) that your child has at home, for example, if they get dressed by themselves or write sums for a sibling. Please return it to school or upload it to Tapestry.  I can then celebrate these achievements with the children. They also support the judgments I make about the children when completing the foundation stage profile.

Important Dates:

5th June – Wear it Wild day

Wk beginning Monday 6th July –SRE (sex and relationships education week)

Wednesday 8th July – EYFS sports morning – 9.30am

10th July – Summer Fayre

Wednesday 15th July –Teddy Bear’s Picnic (with pre-school) 9.30am

Monday 20th July – EYFS Graduation 2.00pm

Wednesday 22nd July – Last day of term.

 Nadia Lampier, Sherry Dodson, Lizzie White, Debs Price and Helen Thipthorp

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Trevithick Class News -April 2015

Trevithick Class Newsletter – April 2015

Welcome back! I hope you had an enjoyable break and are ready for the summer term.  

Questionnaire results and feedback:

Many thanks again to all those who completed the questionnaire and the positive comments that we received. Don’t forget you can access this newsletter at

If you have any concerns or questions please arrange an appointment to see me at your convenience.


SEAL stands for Social and Emotional aspects of learning. Our theme this half term is ‘Relationships’. Please read the attached sheet for how to support your child with their learning.


It is lovely to see the progress many of the children are making in their reading. Please let me know if your child needs to change a book or if you want a couple of books to keep them going. This is the final term in EYFS and I will be assessing their progress in the key words before they move to KS1. Keep practising!!!

It is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. Thank you! Please check your child’s book bag regularly for notes and newsletters. We will be starting quiet reading on a Tuesday and Thursday morning and hopefully this will enable me to hear them read more frequently.


Week 1 Handa’s Surprise (see attached sheet for ideas for home learning)
Week 2 Handa’s Surprise
Week 3 Jack and the Beanstalk
Week 4 Jack and the Beanstalk
Week 5 The Hungry Caterpillar
Week 6 The Hungry Caterpillar
Week 7 The Hungry Caterpillar


Area of learning Home learning activities
PSED See attached sheet for how you can help. Our theme is ‘Relationships’
CLL (Literacy)

WE USE THE JOLLY PHONICS MATERIALS – available from Early Learning Centre/Waterstones and Amazon


The letters and sounds we are learning are w, ng, v, oo, y, x, ch Look for these sounds in reading books and the environment. Have a go at writing words that contain these sounds. This term we will be learning about ourselves and living and growing. We will be reading the book The Very Hungry Caterpilllar. Read other stories by Eric Carle, discuss life cycles or have a go at writing your own version of the story. Write a list of the foods the caterpillar ate.  Continue to practise the key words and use them to write sentences.


Continue to practice number bonds to 10 and beyond. Add up all the food the caterpillar eats in the story. Write addition and subtraction sums for the different foods.  Learn the days of the week and ask questions e.g. if today is Saturday, what day will it be tomorrow etc? Sequence days of the week cards.
EAD We will be learning songs and rhymes about caterpillars and a song to help us learn the days of the week.  Use things at home to make caterpillars and butterflies. Draw pictures of the different foods the caterpillar ate – discuss foods your child likes/dislikes.

P.E & Swimming

P.E continues to be on a Friday morning. Please make sure their P.E kit is in school and that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform to prevent it getting lost. If anybody is able to volunteer with swimming please see me as soon as possible – in order for the children to swim I need as many volunteers as possible and due to current law all volunteers will need a CRB check – these need to be completed. At the moment I haven’t decided on a day but I will once I know when people can help both in the pool and with changing etc.

Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)

In the summer term we will be beginning our Sex and relationships education. You will receive further information about this. Please don’t panic about this as the YR requirements are not too scary! Please feel free to contact me if you wish to view the materials or want more information about our policies on SRE.

Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practise with the children in Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time. Please continue to record significant experiences (that make you say ‘wow’) that your child does at home, for example, if they read to a sibling, swam underwater, helped with some cooking etc. Please return it to school and I can celebrate these achievements with them. You can use Tapestry! They also support the judgements I make about the children when completing the Foundation Stage Profile.

Important Dates

Class Assembly – TBC

SRE week – TBC

Nadia Lampier, Sherry Dodson, Lizzie White, Helen Thipthorp

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A few Reminders…

Another week has flown by, there are just a few reminders about things happening in Trevithick Class

Friday 16th January – Trevithick Class cake sale

Wednesday 21st January – Visit to the Eden Project

Tuesday 24th February and Thursday 26th February – Parents’ meetings

Tuesday 3rd March – Trevithick Class assembly.

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Trevithick Class News – January 2015

Welcome back! I hope you have had a lovely holiday and are ready for the busy term ahead.

SEAL: SEAL stands for Social and emotional aspects of Learning. Our theme for this half term is ‘Going for Goals’. Talk to your child about something they would like to achieve in school this term e.g. to write their name, to get changed independently etc. Discuss how they can work towards their goal.

Reading and Homework: All the children have a book to share with you and it is important that they read EVERY night. This term I will be changing their reading books once a week, however it is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. During a recent ‘Reading record’ check it was noted that a significant number of children are not reading on a regular basis. It is important that all children practise their reading at home in order to make good progress. Please continue to read and learn the key words.

We are also going to learn about toys, machines and vehicles and read the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’. If you have an old toy please could we borrow it for our museum – we promise to look after it – thank you!

WOW Moments: Attached is a sheet for you to record observations of your child at home. It can be used to help build a picture of your child’s development or any other significant information you wish to share with us. I have included some previous ‘WOW moments’ so you can see what kind of information might be relevant.

‘Ollie used my lap top to write the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.’

‘Joe sang Cornish songs to his Daddy at home.’

‘Emily used a knife to butter her own toast this morning.’

‘Ben amazed us by riding his bike without stabilisers for the first time.’

We are also continuing to use the ‘Tapestry’ online Learning Journey please contribute to this and we will share their successes in class.

Area of the Curriculum Activities for home learning


Big Books we will be sharing in class


Dogger by Shirley Hughes

The Snail and the Whale (Julia Donaldson)

Practise forming the letters and sounds u,l,f,b,ai,j correctly. Look for things around your home that begin/contain each sound. Encourage your child to write or draw a picture of the things they find. Play ‘eye spy’ using the sounds. Read other books by Julia Donaldson and Shirley Hughes. Ask a grandparent or family friend about their favourite toy – record what they say to share with the class.
Maths Continue to practice addition and subtraction sums encouraging your child to use their fingers to work them out. Look around your home for 3d and 2d shapes – record how many of each shape you find. Play lots of board games which support the development of counting skills. Use a pack of cards to sort and sequence numbers etc. Use money to make different totals e.g. how many ways can you make 5p, 10p etc.


Toys: As part of our topic on Toys we will be creating a museum of old toys. If you have an old toy please send it in. Tell your child about it (where you got it, how old it is etc) so that they can share this information with the class and write a simple label. I promise that all toys will be well looked after and returned to their owners at the end of the topic.

 Phonics: The Letters and Sounds we are learning this half term are  u, l, f  b, ai, j. Practise forming these letters and recognising these sounds in reading books. As part of our continuing learning of phonics the children are expected to read nonsense words. We now have a ‘Silly word’ wall in the classroom to develop the children’s ability to blend and segment words. Any questions, please ask!

P.E: P.E will be on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt). Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform.

Round Up: All offers of support for reading practise with the children in Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time. A huge thank you to all the parents who have kindly volunteered already, your support is very much appreciated.

Important Dates:

Eden Project Visit – Wednesday 21st January 2015

Parent’s Evening – Feb/March 2015 (dates to follow)

Key Worker Groups

Nadia Lampier Sherry Dodson Lizzie White
Louise Maddison Eva
Freya Taylor Bradley
Paolo Ben Reuben
Abigail AJ Saxon
Dexter Leia Clara
Nyah Maisy Luke
Lila S Demi Bear
Seb Adam Ava
Delia Lila M-T

Please feel free to share information, concerns or ‘wow’ moments with your child’s key worker. All information gets passed onto me and enables me to plan a curriculum that is child centred based upon their needs and interests.

Thank you for your continued support.



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Kite flying fun!

We are learning the sound k. We had fun making kites. Here we are flying our kites!100_2432 100_2433 100_2429

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Harvest Festival

The children did amazingly well at our Harvest Festival at St Michael’s Church. Well done to all involved and a huge thank you for the donations towards the local Foodbank.

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Trevithick Class News November 2014

Welcome back! I hope you have had a lovely half term and are ready for the busy term ahead.

Mrs Price will be starting her teaching practice this half term and we wish her a very successful experience –good luck!

SEAL:SEAL stands for Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (see attached newsletter). Our theme for this half term is ‘Getting on and Falling Out’.

This half term we will be using the story ‘The Animal Boogie’ as a stimulus for activities. We will be playing animal snap and pairs, learning animal songs, role playing the story and looking at the patterns on the animals e.g. leopard. You could look at other animal patterns with your children e.g. tiger, zebra etc. We will also be thinking about how we can describe the animals using adjectives e.g. the slithery snake, the huge, brown bear etc. Have a go at thinking of some awesome adjectives to describe an animal!

We will also be learning about celebrations including Diwali and Christmas. We will be sharing ‘The Christmas Story’ and discussing why Christians celebrate this festival. Both these topics lend themselves to fantastic art – have a go a designing a Rangoli pattern with your child or creating a Christmas scene using junk materials. If you would like more information about our topics or ideas for supporting your child at home please speak to me or your child’s key worker.

Reading and Homework:

All the children have a book to share with you and it is important that they do a little bit of reading every night. I have noticed that some parents are forgetting to record when their child has been reading. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. Please continue to read and learn the key words and support your child with their phonics. I will be going through the key words sheet with your child this half term! Our sounds are ck e, h, r, m, d and g. This half term we are focussing on the days of the week and months of the year. Practice these with your child and encourage them to know when their birthday is. We are also thinking about celebrations – if you have been to any celebrations, for example, weddings, christenings, birthdays, or cultural festivals and would like to share these experiences please send photos or come and talk to the children about these events.


P.E is on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt) and they should wear sensible footwear. Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform.

 Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practise with the children in Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time. THANK YOU to all the parents who are already volunteering. Don’t forget to check Tapestry and upload any “WOW” moments. At the end of this term Mrs Keast will be retiring, if you wish to make a small contribution to her leaving gift please send it in to the school office in a clearly labelled envelope.

 Important Dates:

Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th November- Parent’s Evening (please see me to make an appointment)

Wednesday 5th November – Harvest Festival – St Michael’s Church -2.45pm

Friday 12th December 2014- Trevithick & St Piran Nativity at 2pm.

Friday 19th December – Last day of term.

 Finally, it is getting cold please ensure your child has a coat in school.

Nadia Lampier, Sherry Dodson, Debs Price, Lizzie White,

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Trevithick Class News

Trevithick Class Newsletter – September 2014

Welcome to the first Trevithick Class Newsletter!!! I hope you all had a lovely summer. I look forward to meeting you and working with your child.

This will be a regular feature from me and aims to inform you of news, topics and important dates. If you have any concerns please see me or a teaching assistant as soon as possible. You can also keep up with what is happening in Trevithick Class by visiting our blog available on our school website

This term we welcome trainee teacher Mrs Deborah Price. Deborah is on the Cornwall SCITT programme and will be sharing some of the teaching with me later this term.

 SEAL: What is SEAL?

SEAL stands for Social and emotional aspects of Learning (see attached newsletter). Our theme for this half term is ‘New Beginnings’.

Key Persons:

Each child has a key person who will work closely with your child to ensure their needs are met. Please feel free to talk to your child’s key person and share relevant information that may affect your child’s progress.

Nadia Lampier Sherry Dodson Lizzie White
Louise Maddison Eva
Freya Taylor Bradley
Paolo Ben Reuben
Abigail AJ Saxon
Dexter Leia Clara
Nyah Maisy Jack
Lila Demi Luke
Seb Elliot Bear
Delia Adam Ava

Reading and Homework:

All the children have a book to share with you and it is important that they do a little bit of reading every night. This term I will be changing their reading books once a week, however it is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. Thank you! For more information about our reading scheme please attend our ‘Parent Meeting’ later in the term (date to be confirmed).  Please check your child’s book bag regularly for notes and newsletters. Children have received a laminated copy of the 45 key words and handwriting and numeral practice. Encourage your child to practise forming the letters and numerals correctly.

WOW Moments:

Attached is a sheet for you to record observations of your child at home. It can be used to help build a picture of your child’s development or any other significant information you wish to share with us. I have included some previous ‘WOW moments’ so you can see what kind of information might be relevant.

‘Ollie used my lap top to write the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.’

‘Joe sang Cornish songs to his Daddy at home.’

‘Emily used a knife to butter her own toast this morning.’

‘Ben amazed us by riding his bike without stabilisers for the first time.’

‘Jade wrote all her number to 10 without help from me – well done.’

 We are also continuing to use the ‘Tapestry’ online Learning Journey please contribute to this and we will share their successes in class.



We use a range of strategies and schemes to teach phonics these include Jolly Phonics and Letters and Sounds. Each week your child will be learning a new letter, the sound it makes and will be practicing forming it correctly. The sounds we will be learning this half term are s, a, t, i, p, n.  Play ‘Eye Spy’ with your child focussing on these sounds.



P.E will be on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt) in school. Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform.


Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practice with the children in

Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time. If you wish to send your child in with a bottle of water, please make sure it is labelled clearly with your child’s name and put it in the blue tray next to the book bags.

Meet the Teacher:

You are invited to a ‘Welcome Meeting’ on Tuesday 16th September at 4.30 in Trevithick Class.  Join us for coffee and an informal chat about how you can best support your child with their learning. Alternatively, we will be holding one on Friday 19th September in the school hall between 9.00 and 9.30. I hope that you will find these sessions helpful.

Important Dates:

Meet the teacher – 16th and 19th September.

Parent’s Evening –4th and 6th November

Harvest Festival – Date and Venue tba  


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EYFS Sport

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