Daily Archives: July 10, 2015

Penhaligon Newsletter 10th July 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,

Once again we would like to say how proud we are of the class.  Their support for each other this week has been wonderful in desperately sad circumstances. Their behaviour, thoughtful words and beautiful singing at our Special Assembly yesterday was also a credit to them.  Just a reminder that is a community balloon release for Esmee at 2.30 on Saturday in Bolenna Park if you would like to come.

This week we have also had a visit from our local Fire Safety officer who taught the children how to ‘Stop, Drop, Roll’ if a spark lands on them and also encouraged them to check smoke alarms at home and try to think of an escape route for their family to use if there was ever a fire.  They have all been given a booklet from the Fire Service with safety-based activities in it.

In maths, the children have been investigating pentominoes – shapes made from 5 squares joined together – it is a tricky investigation which they all worked very hard on.  There are lots of activities based on pentominoes if you Google it, e.g. http://www.scholastic.com/blueballiett/games/pentominoes_game.htm .

In literacy we have been looking at a story called Caterpillar Shoes – can your child remember all the characters in the story and which shoes they got?

Swimming will continue next week so please ensure that your child has their kit on Monday and Friday.  We do swimming as our PE sessions this half term, so unless there is a medical reason not to join in, all children should take part.  Living where we do, we feel it is vital that the children learn to be confident in the water and become good swimmers.

If you have any questions, as always, please drop in to see us or email us on sburns@perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk or esmitheram@perranporth.cornwall.sch.uk.

Thank you.

Mrs Burns and Mrs Smitheram.

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Celebration and Stars; 10.07.15

Here are our stars of the week.  We are very proud of all of them!


Louise for fantastic singing!!

St. Piran

Billy for fantastic effort and progress in swimming!

Elise for a fantastic first week at Perranporth and settling in so well!


Lukas Skinner and Jack Rowlands for being such great helpers all week!

Noah Linney for great maths work!


Alfie Earl for super maths skills and effort in subtracting money!

Lomay Wilson for always giving 100 percent in everything she does!

Sophie Barr for being our reader of the week!


Alfie Wright for always showing a smile in his learning!

Ruby Geary for showing a positive attitude in all lessons!

Hayleigh Regan  for a positive attitude and always smiling through her learning!

Jake Dodson-Young for being a fabulous helper in Reception Sports Day!


Ellie Ansell and Lucas for brilliant homework – well done!!!


Luka and Jake for learning their parts for the play brilliantly!

Other celebrations

Oak for fantastic surfing!

Lewis Brown for his great skill in boxing and raising lots of money for charity!

Eva Burns for fantastic dancing certificates and awards including your Grade 3 ballet!

Well done to all of the school cricketers too, who took part in the Perranporth Youth Cricket Festival!




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Trengrouse Home-Learning; 10.07.15

homework, 10.07.15

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