St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 24th February

This week we have been learning about multiplication and division in our Maths. The children have been making arrays using counters and using their own pictures to help them solve number sentences. . In our English we have started to learn the story of The Gingerbread man. The children have been brilliant at making their own actions.



This term we will be continuing our Phase 5 in Phonics. This week we have been learning about the alternative pronunciations of ‘j’, ‘m’ and ‘n’. Next week we will be learning ‘r’, ‘s’ and ‘z’.


Home Learning

This week in Maths we have been focussing on Multiplication. In Year 1 we learn to count in 2s. 5s and 10s. For home learning this week I would like the children to either count the 2p coins in 2s or complete the word problems. For extra home learning this week why not have a go at making arrays to solve multiplication number sentences or make your own story map for the ‘Gingerbread man’.

Support tips:

  • Discuss the numbers that we say when we count in 2s and record these with your child.
  • Encourage your child to read the word problem carefully and discuss which calculation they need to use to solve it.
  • Make arrays to help solve multiplication number sentences.


Dates for your Diary and Reminders

We are a nut free school. We kindly ask that children do not bring in nuts or obvious nut products as part of their snack or lunches.


Tuesday 28th February- Reading workshop 3:30pm-4:30pm

Thursday 2nd March- World Book Day (Children dress as book characters)

Thursday 2nd March- School Book Sale 2:45pm onwards

Friday 3rd March- The Welcome- Children to dress in Cornish colours. Perranporth Inner Green 2pm

Friday 17th March- St Piran to provide cakes for FOPS cake sale. (No nuts please)


St Piran Team

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