St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 18th March

This Week

This week we have looked at the story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ in our English and created our own plant hunt poems. In Maths we have been learning about Place Value. We have been making two digit numbers using physical resources, breaking down numbers into tens and units, and matching numerals to number names. In PE we have been developing our ball skills and in Art & Design we made our own flower sculptures.


This week we have learnt the alternative spellings for ‘oo’, ‘ai’, ‘ay’ and ‘a-e’. Next week we will continue to look at alternative spellings. We will be focussing on ‘ee’, ‘y’, ‘ey’, ‘igh’ and i-e’.

Home learning

For home learning this week I would like the children to consolidate their learning on numbers represented by numerals and number names. Children either need to match numbers to their number names or they need to write the number name next to the two digit number. For an extra challenge say a two digit or three digit number and ask your child to write down the number name in words.

Support tips:

  • Encourage your child to use their phonics to help them sound out names of numbers.
  • Discuss the difference between the teens numbers and the tens numbers and why we need to be clear when we are saying them. E.g. seventeen and seventy.


Forest School

During the first half of the Summer term we will be taking part in forest school based outdoor activities on a Tuesday afternoon in the environmental area. Kelly Jeffs will be leading the sessions along with Mr Barnes and myself. These sessions will help the children to develop their communication, team building skills and provide the opportunity to learn using the outdoors. All children will need a spare change of clothes including sturdy footwear ( no sandals or open toe footwear please) and full waterproofs if possible.



Many thanks

Rachel Kitaruth and Laura Dix


Important dates

Thursday 24th March- Last day of the Spring term

Monday 11th April- Inset day, school closed to pupils

Tuesday 12th April- First day of Summer term

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