This Week
This week in English we have been exploring sea poetry. Next week we will be learning a poem off by heart and writing our own sea poems. In Maths this week our learning has focussed on our number bonds. The children have been fantastic at recalling their number bonds to 10 quickly. In History we found out about Grace Darling and in Art & Design we made our own rescue pictures.
This week we have revisited ‘u-e’ and learnt the alternative pronunciations for ‘a’, ‘e’ and ‘i’. Next week we will be continuing with alternative pronunciations. We will be learning about ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘ie’, and ‘ow’.
Home learning
For home learning this week I would like the children to complete the number bonds word problem sheets provided. The children have been great at solving word problems this week in Maths. For an extra challenge why not create and solve your own maths word problems.
Support tips:
- Encourage your child to read the word problem through slowly so that they understand what the problem is asking them to do.
- Make sure your child records how they worked the problem out and not just the answer.
In Science next week the children will be exploring light. Mrs Davis has asked if you have any spare small jam jars with lids or small plastic bottles could they be brought in for Thursday next week.
Spare clothes
We are in need of spare school clothes particularly underwear in St Piran Class. Any donations would be gratefully received.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and Laura Dix
Important dates
Tuesday 19th January- KS1 parents invited to have lunch in school.
Friday 22nd January- St Piran class to provide cakes for the cake sale.
Monday 25th January – Phonics workshop 3:30-4:00pm