This Week
Subtraction has been our focus in Maths this week. We have been using ‘tap and unwrap’ to solve Subtraction number sentences. The children have been fantastic at practising their ‘take aways’. In English we have been writing instructions. We have had been taking on the role of bossy boots in the classroom to practise writing in this style. In Computing we have been learning how to log on to the laptops independently which has been quite a challenge. The children are e-safety experts and have learnt a rhyme to help them remember how to stay safe on the computers.
This week in Phonics we have learnt the ‘or’, ‘oo’, ‘th’ and ‘ar’ phonemes. If you have any free time please practise words with these phonemes in with your child. You can find suggestions of words to use in your child’s Phonics Book.
The childrens’ homework this week is to write a set of instructions for making a sandwich. We have learnt about writing instructions this week and the children wrote instructions for how to make a wolf mask. On the writing frame there are suggestions of words that the children might find helpful. For an extra challenge write your own set of instructions. For example, you might like to write a set of instructions for how to draw a cat or how to make a sand castle.
Support tips:
- Encourage your child to sound out the words that they want to write. Don’t worry if this means the word is spelt incorrectly.
- Encourage your child to read what they have written.
- Reinforce the importance of capital letters and full stops.
- Use bossy language.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and Laura Dix
Important dates
20th October Harvest Festival St Michaels Church 9:30am
23rd October Halloween disco KS1 6pm-7pm
23rd October- Last day for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
26th-30th October- Half term.
3rd November – Back to School.