For homework this week I would like the children to write at least one sentence about their favourite animal. To help your child ask them to explain why they have chosen their animal. The children can then draw a picture of their animal. For an extra challenge research an animal and write down the key facts about them.
Support tips:
- Talk to your child about their favourite animal.
- Help your child to use the National Geographic Kids website to research animal facts.
Our class will be swimming on a Monday afternoon and on a Thursday morning. Each child will need to have a named swimming costume and a towel in school with them on these days. If you would like your child to wear goggles, please bring in a note confirming you give permission for your child to wear goggles whilst swimming. Armbands will be provided.
Miss Dodson has asked that the children bring in a photograph of themselves as a baby or a younger age to discuss how they have changed. Please could all children bring in a photograph of themselves. Photographs will be returned.
Outdoor learning opportunities
St Piran class will be participating in weekly outdoor based lessons. These lessons will take place on the beach when the tide allows or in our environmental area. The children need to be prepared to be outside whatever the weather on a Wednesday morning, with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat.
Pet photos
If your child would like to add to our pet/animal photo collection please bring in a photo and we will add it to our display. Please feel free to email photos of the children with their pets or with animals to the address below and I can print them.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team
Important dates
Tuesday 23rd June- St Piran class trip to the zoo.
Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon 2pm.