Penhaligon News Letter 5th September 2014

Welcome to Penhaligon Class!

Firstly, we would like to welcome our two new girls who have joined us this week: Aimee and Saffron.  They are both settling in really well and we are all pleased to see them in our class.

The class is taught by Mrs Willetts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and by Mrs Burns on Thursday and Friday.

As you may know, the government have introduced a new curriculum for primary schools.  To make sure we cover everything that is required, we have changed our curriculum slightly and will now be following a scheme called Inspire.  It is in 4 week blocks and is topic based.  We think the children will love it! We have attached a summary of our first topic, What do I Need to be me?

We will have PE on Wednesday (taught by Miss Hendra) and on Thursday taught by Mrs Burns.  Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit, including trainers, in school at all times.  Also, please label all uniform and PE kit, as you can imagine, there can be quite a lot of confusion when everyone has the same clothes!

Each week, we will give the children 10 spellings to practise at home, ready for a test on Friday.  We will also start giving homework out next week, this will go home on Wednesday, to be returned by the following Monday.  Homework should take about 20 minutes and will usually be able to be done independently.

Dates for your diary:

Wednesday 17th September: 3.30-4.00 and 5.30-6.00 Meet the teacher

Friday 24th October: Staff training day, children not in school

Monday 3rd November: Staff training day, children not in school

Please also find attached your child’s Parent Consent Form.  Please complete this, sign and return it as soon as possible.

If you would like to speak to either of us, please pop in to see us, or if you prefer, you can email us on .

Thank you.

Mrs Willetts and Mrs Burns.

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