28th February 2014
Dear Parents and Carers
It is lovely to see the children all bright and ready to learn after the half term break.
This half term, our topic is Fire, we will be thinking about dragons in literacy and how heat affects different materials and substances in our science work.
This week in numeracy, we have been looking at the mass (weight) of different objects. Encourage your children to look at the weight of food packages at home – can they compare the weight of a kilogram of sugar to a pack of pasta of about the same size? We have also been working on our division skills, using arrays to help us.
In literacy, we started our work on The Dragon Machine, a fantastic book which the children love. Can the children tell you what George does in the book?
We also had a great time on Wednesday, learning Cornish Dancing. Penhaligon Class picked it up very quickly and danced brilliantly! You can see some photos on our blog:
PE will continue to be outside whenever the weather is dry, so could you please check that your child has a warm PE kit, including trainers or plimsolls.
Thank you,
Mrs Burns and Mrs Willetts