Dear Parents and Carers
We have started to find out about the Polar regions this week. We located the Arctic and Antarctic on a world map and we looked at photographs of the landscape. Next week, we will research more about the Arctic and the animals and people that live there.
In Literacy we wrote poems about ‘The Rainbow Bear’ and we made improvements to our Big Write stories. We continue to ‘Go for Goals’ in SEAL and the children have been thinking about their writing levels and what they need to do to reach the next level. The writing levels are displayed in class and the children know which level they are aiming for.
In Number we partitioned 2 and 3 digit numbers using practical apparatus and drawings to help solve subtraction problems. Ask your child to explain this to you.
Please continue to read regularly with your child at home. You will see our class star readers displayed each week on the window above the book bag boxes. To be a star reader the children must read to a grown up at home at least five times in the week and complete some activities in their reading diary.
Also, please support your child with learning their spellings every week which you will find in their little red book. We have weekly spelling dictations and we are concerned that some children are not progressing well with their spelling. It is important that all children use their knowledge of letters and sounds to help them spell and learn the key words for Year 2 which can be found at the back of their reading diary.
We would like to say a huge thank you to those who have supported the homework project. We have some fantastic dioramas displayed in class and the children have been eager to share their learning. New homework will be given next week so you have a little extra time to complete the project if you have not already done so.
Please remember to visit the class blog on the school website: It has photographs and fun information about what your child gets up to in class.
Finally, we are pleased to welcome a new child, Yuri, to the class. He has settled well and the children are helping him get used to class routines.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)