Author Archives: perranporth164

Penhaligon News 24-1-14

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week in literacy we learnt how to box up a story to help us plan our own Polar Bear stories using The Rainbow Bear to give us ideas.  We also had a fantastic time working with St Piran Class to write shape poems.  Ask your children to tell you all about it.

In numeracy we have been working on telling the time.  We are really getting the hang of it now!  Try to look at the clock with them at different times of the day and talk through where the hands are, eg the big hand is on the 6 so it is half past etc.

We have had some amazing homework brought in.  We are displaying the dioramas on the shelf in our reading area.  We can’t wait to see the rest of them.

Just a reminder about PE kits.  We will be doing PE outside as often as possible even if it is cold, so the children really need a good warm kit.  Trainers or plimsolls are essential as they are not allowed to wear school shoes for PE and they really need tracksuit bottoms or warm leggings as well.  They can wear their school sweatshirts but we would prefer a separate warm sweatshirt if possible.  The children are loving our new Real PE curriculum – ask them to show you a reverse pivot or some hopscotching!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please pop in to see either of us.

Mrs Burns and Mrs Willetts (Class Teachers)

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Penhaligon newsletter 17-1-14

17th January 2014

Dear Parents and Carers

We have had another fun-filled week. In Art we have been finding out about hot and cold colours and how they make us feel. The children then used cold colours to create a tissue paper collage. 

In Literacy we continued to read ‘The Rainbow Bear’ by Michael Morpurgo. This week we discussed how characters show their feelings in stories. The children wrote about how happy bear felt when he became Rainbow bear and also how sad he felt when he was captured and kept in a cage. Here are some of our sentences. Can you tell how happy or sad bear is feeling?

Bear shouted ‘Yippee!’ as he rolled and tumbled down the mountainside.

Bear lowered his head silently. Tears began to fall from the corner of his eyes. He wished he was back in his wild, white wilderness.

In Number we practiced using number bonds to help us find missing numbers in a sum:

23 + ___  = 50                   46 + ___  = 100

Some of the children found this a little tricky. It is important that they learn all the number bonds to 10 and 20. You can support your child by practicing these at home.

We started a new PE scheme this week – Real PE. This is a new approach to teaching PE which concentrates on emotional and thinking skills alongside physical skills. The class really enjoyed it. They learned how to do forward, side-ways and reverse pivots. Ask them to demonstrate these to you. Please ensure your child has trainers in their PE kit as some lesson will take place outdoors.

Please continue to read regularly with your child at home. It is important that they become more confident and fluent readers. You will see our class star readers displayed each week on the window above the book bag boxes. To be a star reader the children must read to a grown up at home at least five times in the week and complete some activities in their reading diary.

Please note there is a slight change to homework and spelling. For homework the children have been given a small project to complete over the next few weeks. You will find details of this inside their homework book. Also, your child will now be given a spelling test every Tuesday instead of Friday so that they have longer to learn them at home. Please support your child with learning their spellings every week which you will find in their little red book.

Finally, we are pleased to welcome a new child, Finley, to the class. He has settled in well and the children are looking after him. As we say hello to Finley, it is with sadness that we must say goodbye to Jude. Jude and his family are moving back to New Zealand and we will all miss him. He is kind, funny and has beautiful handwriting! We wish Jude and his family the very best of luck for the future.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)

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Penhaligon Newsletter 10-1-14

10th January 2014

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back and a happy new year! The children have returned refreshed and ready for the new term ahead. Earlier in the week we had a special assembly about behaviour and doing our best and the class has certainly taken this on board.

Our topic this term is ‘Fire and Ice’ and we are starting off with the ‘Ice’ part. Below is an overview of the subject areas we will be covering.


Changing Materials: What happens to materials when they are heated or cooled?

Carry out cooling investigations.


What can we find out about life in the Polar regions?

Compare the Arctic landscape to that of our own.

Learn how the way of living for Inuit people is very different from ours.

Learn about Polar exploration.

Learn about the different animals that live in Polar regions, and how they are suited to their environment.


Study winter scenes by different artists.

Colour mixing to create ‘cold’ paintings.

Using ICT programs to create winter scenes.


In Literacy we will read and retell ‘The Rainbow Bear’ by Michael Morpurgo using drama and story maps. In writing we will focus on joining sentences using connectives like but, or, so, because and think about how to start our sentences in different ways. We will develop story language and organize our sentences into paragraphs.

In Number we will further develop our understanding of place value. We will explore different strategies to help us add and subtract 2 and 3-digit numbers in a range of contexts. We will also continue to learn and practice the x3 and x4 tables. You can support your child by practicing these at home.

This term we are starting a new PE scheme – Real PE. This is a new approach to teaching PE which concentrates on emotional and thinking skills alongside physical skills. Please ensure your child has trainers in their PE kit.

Please continue to read regularly with your child at home. It is important that they become more confident and fluent readers. In Book Club this term we will begin to read some SATS-style stories to help prepare the children for their end of year 2 tests. Regular reading and discussion of books at home will benefit your child enormously.

Please note there is a slight change to homework and spelling. For homework the children have been given a small project to complete over the next few weeks. You will find details of this inside their homework book. Also, your child will now be given a spelling test every Tuesday instead of Friday so that they have longer to learn them at home. Please support your child with learning their spellings every week which you will find in their little red book.

 Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)

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A very special visitor

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A sneak preview of our beautiful singing

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A sneak preview of our beautiful singing

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Penhaligon Newsletter 13-12-13


 13th December 2013

Dear Parents and Carers

In Literacy we read a rhyming poem called ‘Things To Find In Santa’s Beard’. It describes some things that might get caught in Santa’s beard as he flies around the world on Christmas eve delivering presents, stopping at millions of houses and travelling really fast. The class then wrote their own ideas about things that might get caught in his beard.

This week we have been rehearsing for the Carolaire concert. The children are trying very hard to learn the words of the songs which are a mixture of traditional and modern. The Carolaire is next Tuesday, the 17th December, in the Memorial Hall. There will be refreshments available in exchange for a charitable contribution. It starts at 6.00pm, but we would like the children to arrive by 5.50pm. They are to wear school uniform along with hats and scarves to complete the ‘Carol Singer’ look. The concert is due to end at approximately 7.00pm. You will be able to collect your child at this time.

As usual at this time of year, we have been busy making items for the Christmas Fayre on Saturday. You will be able to buy the items for the bargain price of £1!

Thank you to those of you who have signed up to ‘Class Dojo’. You will be able to login and track your child’s progress with their points. ‘Class Dojo’ is a fun and interactive way of engaging children with their learning and behaviour. They can instantly see how well they are doing, and it gives them a sense of purpose in the classroom. The children with the highest scores will be rewarded at the end of term. The scores will then be reset to zero in the holiday ready for us to start again next term.

Please continue to read regularly with your child at home. It is important that they become more confident and fluent readers. Following our weekly scrutiny of reading diaries, it is apparent that some children are not reading often at home. In order for your child to get a Bronze reading certificate, they must have completed the first fourteen activities in their reading diary.

Finally, some dates for your diary:

School Christmas Fayre – Saturday 14th December at 10.00am (Memorial Hall)

Christmas Carolaire – Tuesday 17th December at 6.00pm (Memorial Hall)

School Christmas lunch – Wednesday 18th December

End of term – Friday 20th December

Spring term – Monday 6th January 2014


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)

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Spelling Lists for week 2-12-13

Group 1 and 2 spelling lists for this week. Your child will know which group they are in. Please help support your child to learn their spellings each week. They are tested every Friday. We practice them in class daily using the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ method.

Group 2:

WB   2-12-13











Group 1:

WB   2-12-13











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Penhaligon Newsletter 29-11-13

Dear Parents and Carers

The class really enjoyed the trip to Morrisons. They visited different departments for a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look. They saw an octopus being dissected, found out how jam gets inside a doughnut and even had a go at being a cashier! The whole afternoon was great fun. We will send thank you cards to the staff at Morrisons.

In Literacy this week we are writing recounts based on our story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Picnic’. The class has read a letter from Mrs. Grinling telling them all about her disastrous trip to the village picnic. We have used the letter to identify features of a recount such as time connectives (first, next, after, then, soon, finally), powerful verbs (doing words) and the use of past tense. Next week during our ‘Big Write’ lesson the children will use these features to write a recount of their trip to Morrisons.

In Number we are learning about multiplication. We have been looking at different arrays and how to write multiplication number sentences to match them.

You can support your child be helping them learn and quickly recall the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

 As it is our class assembly next week, your child may have some lines to learn. Please encourage and support them to remember their lines and say them loudly and clearly. Thank you.

Please continue to read regularly with your child at home. It is important that they become more confident and fluent readers. Following our weekly scrutiny of reading diaries, it is apparent that some children are not reading often at home. In order for your child to get a Bronze reading certificate, they must have completed the first fourteen activities in their reading diary.

Finally, some dates for your diary:                                                                                                      

Class assembly – Tuesday 3rd December at 2.45pm (school hall)                                     

School Christmas Fayre – Saturday 14th December at 10.00am (Memorial Hall)           

Christmas Carolaire – Tuesday 17th December at 6.00pm (Memorial Hall)

Thank you for your continued support,                                                                                       

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)

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