Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in literacy we learnt how to box up a story to help us plan our own Polar Bear stories using The Rainbow Bear to give us ideas. We also had a fantastic time working with St Piran Class to write shape poems. Ask your children to tell you all about it.
In numeracy we have been working on telling the time. We are really getting the hang of it now! Try to look at the clock with them at different times of the day and talk through where the hands are, eg the big hand is on the 6 so it is half past etc.
We have had some amazing homework brought in. We are displaying the dioramas on the shelf in our reading area. We can’t wait to see the rest of them.
Just a reminder about PE kits. We will be doing PE outside as often as possible even if it is cold, so the children really need a good warm kit. Trainers or plimsolls are essential as they are not allowed to wear school shoes for PE and they really need tracksuit bottoms or warm leggings as well. They can wear their school sweatshirts but we would prefer a separate warm sweatshirt if possible. The children are loving our new Real PE curriculum – ask them to show you a reverse pivot or some hopscotching!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please pop in to see either of us.
Mrs Burns and Mrs Willetts (Class Teachers)