Author Archives: perranporth165
St Piran Class Newsletter Thursday 11th June 2015
Phonics Screening Check
The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check statutory assessment will take place next week. The children will asked to read 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. The check will take up to ten minutes and will be conducted by myself on a one to one basis in the meeting room. I have explained to the children that they will all be reading real words and alien words with me in the meeting room but do not wish to worry the children about the check. All children have read real words and nonsense words with me previously which means that the check should not cause the children any distress.
Support tips:
- Use your phonics pack to practise reading real words and nonsense words with your child.
- Use the Phonics Play website to practise sorting real words and nonsense words.
For homework this week I would like the children to practise their phonics by using their phonics books, reading real words and nonsense words, and playing on phonics games on the Phonics Play website. I will not be setting spellings for this week.
Our class will be swimming on a Monday afternoon and on a Thursday morning. Each child will need to have a named swimming costume and a towel in school with them on these days. If you would like your child to wear goggles, please bring in a note confirming you give permission for your child to wear goggles whilst swimming. If you would like to volunteer to help the children change or are willing to help from in the pool please come and see myself or a member of the team to discuss details and availability.
Special visitor
Hopefully next week we will be having a special visit from a puppy and their owner who is an experienced dog breeder. We will be learning about how to look after a puppy and discussing the changes that will happen to the puppy as it grows up. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding allergies, phobias etc.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team
Important dates
Tuesday 23rd June- St Piran class trip to the zoo.
Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon 2pm.
Friday 5th June St Piran Newsletter
For homework this week I would like the children to write at least one sentence about their favourite animal. To help your child ask them to explain why they have chosen their animal. The children can then draw a picture of their animal. For an extra challenge research an animal and write down the key facts about them.
Support tips:
- Talk to your child about their favourite animal.
- Help your child to use the National Geographic Kids website to research animal facts.
Our class will be swimming on a Monday afternoon and on a Thursday morning. Each child will need to have a named swimming costume and a towel in school with them on these days. If you would like your child to wear goggles, please bring in a note confirming you give permission for your child to wear goggles whilst swimming. Armbands will be provided.
Miss Dodson has asked that the children bring in a photograph of themselves as a baby or a younger age to discuss how they have changed. Please could all children bring in a photograph of themselves. Photographs will be returned.
Outdoor learning opportunities
St Piran class will be participating in weekly outdoor based lessons. These lessons will take place on the beach when the tide allows or in our environmental area. The children need to be prepared to be outside whatever the weather on a Wednesday morning, with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat.
Pet photos
If your child would like to add to our pet/animal photo collection please bring in a photo and we will add it to our display. Please feel free to email photos of the children with their pets or with animals to the address below and I can print them.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team
Important dates
Tuesday 23rd June- St Piran class trip to the zoo.
Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon 2pm.
Wear it Wild WWF
After half term each class will be using the School swimming pool for swimming lessons. Our class will be going swimming on a Monday afternoon and on a Thursday morning. Each child will need to have a named swimming costume and a towel in school with them on these days. If you would like your child to wear goggles, please bring in a note confirming you give permission for your child to wear goggles whilst swimming. Armbands will be provided.
St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 22nd May
St Piran Class Newsletter- 22nd May 2015
For your homework I would like you to complete the money worksheet. You have a collection of coins and a total at the end of the box. You need to count the coins that you have and then count on to calculate the coins needed to make the total in the box. As an extra challenge create and solve your own addition and subtraction money number sentences.
Support tips:
- Record the total of the coins already in the box after counting them.
- Use real coins to help your child see which coins they need to make the total.
After half term we will be revisiting some of the phase 5 phonemes which we are not so confident with. In the first week back we will be looking at ‘aw’, ‘au’, and ‘ue’. Remember to use your phonics packs to help your child practise their phonics.
After half term each class will be using the School swimming pool for swimming lessons. Our class will be going swimming on a Monday afternoon and on a Thursday morning. Each child will need to have a swimming costume and a towel in school with them on these days. Armbands will be provided.
After half term our SEAL topic will be exploring change. Miss Dodson has asked that the children bring in a photograph of themselves as a baby or a younger age to discuss how they have changed. Please could all children bring in a photograph of themselves after half term. Photographs will be returned.
Outdoor learning opportunities
After half term St Piran and Penhaligon classes will be participating in weekly outdoor based lessons. These lessons will take place on the beach when the tide allows or in our environmental area. The children need to be prepared to be outside whatever the weather on a Wednesday morning.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team
Important dates
Monday 25th May- 29th May – Half term
Monday 1st June- Inset day – school closed
Friday 5th June- Wear it wild day supporting WWF
Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon.
KS1 Sports Day
KS1 Sports Day
Thank you for coming to support our Sports Day. All of the children participated in a wide range of races and events. It was great to see everyone joining in so enthusiastically and enjoying the event.
This week in photos Friday 15th May
Our superstar home learners from this week . . .
We enjoyed using playdough to make minibeasts . . .
We recorded our own audio commentaries . . .
St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 15th May 2015
This week
This week in Maths we have been learning about division and multiplication. The children have been multiplying and dividing, using objects to support them. In English we recorded our own audio commentaries for our sensory trail which we will be taking Trevithick class on next week.
For your homework I would like you to write about something you have done this weekend or a previous weekend. For example you might have gone to the park or to the beach or attended a birthday party. I would like everyone to write at least one sentence. Don’t forget your capital letters, full stops, and wow words. As an extra challenge write a diary entry about one event which took place during the weekend.
Support tips:
- A recount is a type of text which re-tells an event. It is written in the first person and in the past tense.
- Events should be written about in chronological order.
- Help your child to read through their own writing to spot their own mistakes.
- g. First I went to the swimming pool. Then I got changed. After that I got into the pool and had my swimming lesson.
Next week in phonics we will be learning about the alternative spellings for ‘oo’ and ‘sh’.
Sports day
KS1 sports day will start at 2pm on Thursday. If due to the weather we need to cancel it, we will let you know on Thursday morning. Hopefully we will not need to rearrange but should we need to we will reschedule a date for after half term and inform you as soon as possible.
Lost glasses
A member of St Piran class has lost their black Moshi Monsters glasses. If anyone finds them please hand them in to a member of staff.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team
Important dates
Thursday 21st May- KS1 sports day 2pm.
Monday 25th May- 29th May – Half term
Monday 1st June- Inset day – school closed
Friday 5th June- Wear it wild day supporting WWF
Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon.