2nd December 2016
Davy class newsletter
Quest magic
This past week year 6 have been writing very exiting quest story’s on the laptop ( Power Point) and we have learnt how to use hyperlinks and go to different slides. You at first have a choice of 4 paths which 1 will result in death, then it narrows down to 3 paths and then 2 and then you will be victorious on your Quest and the reader chooses the path they go down.
Marvellous maths
In maths this week we have been given a reasoning maths test which some may disagree was harder than others. Most of the questions was explain your reasoning or explain your choice.
Next week
Next week there is a lot for your brain to mange to store, first it is assessment week and on Tuesday cross country and carolair and next on Wednesday it is the martial arts festival and on Friday if you bring in chocolate you can come in own clothes and on Saturday it’s the Christmas fair and even on Sunday the choir are at St Piran’s church.
Jesse, Katie and Stanley