Boscawen Newsletter 15th January 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a couple of things to mention this week:

1. We still have several children each week (not always the same ones!) who do not have full PE kits. It is really important for the children to get into the habit of changing to do sports and exercise, so could you please ensure that your child has their kit on Tuesdays and Fridays, or ideally keep it in school all week.

2. Painting shirts – if you have any spare large shirts that the children could wear over their uniforms while they are painting, please send them in, we would be very grateful.

3. NITS! As you probably saw on the School Newsletter, we have still got head lice at school. We know that some children in our class have suffered from them since returning to school after Christmas. So please check your child’s hair with a nit comb. If you find any, please wet comb every other day for 2 weeks to clear them. It IS tedious but it works!

As always, if you have any questions, please come and see us or email either of us on or

Thank you.

Mrs Smitheram and Mrs Burns

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