Boscawen Newsletter 18-09-15

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week in English, we have continued to work on our descriptive writing, as well as beginning to write our information texts about animals.  We will continue this next week.

In Maths, we have looked at addition and subtraction, looking for number facts such as doubles or number bonds to 10 to help us with the calculations.  Next week, we will be practising subtraction by counting up and applying this skill by working out change.

We are developing our understanding of our topic (Why are Humans Animals too?) through dance, art and science.

In PE, we have been learning a new dance and practising different types of balance – can your child practise one leg squats?

Please continue to listen to your child read at least 5 times a week (we are still awaiting delivery of the new reading records and will send these home as soon as we can.)

As always, if you need to talk to us, please come in and see us or email us on or .

Thank you.

Mrs Smitheram and Mrs Burns

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