Penhaligon Newsletter 15th May 2015

Penhaligon Newsletter
15th May 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a busy week working on our Sowing and Growing topic, making fruit out of whicker and paper, learning to multiply and divide, and continuing our study of The Wind in the Willows.

Sports Day
Don’t forget Key Stage 1 Sports Day will be on Thursday 21st May at 2pm on the field. We hope you can all make it.

We will be carrying out our Writing SATS next week. In Key Stage 1, we keep it as low key as possible. The children will do 2 written tasks on 2 different days. They will be sitting in our classroom and it will be very like the Big Writes which the children have been doing all year. We try our hardest to ensure the children do not get stressed about the tests. The test itself is only part of our assessment, and the final grade will take into account work carried out in the course of lessons as well. We will do the reading and maths tests after term. If you have any questions, please come in to see either of us.

After half term, our PE lessons will take place in the school swimming pool! Our sessions will be on Monday and Friday so please ensure that your child has their costume (no bikinis, please) and towel in school every Monday and Thursday. As always, please ensure their kit is labelled.

Thank you.

Mrs Burns and Mrs Smitheram.

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