Penhaligon Newsletter 8th May 2015

Penhaligon Newsletter
8th May 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have been finding out about seed dispersal. The children looked around the school grounds and sketched different plants and their seeds, e.g. dandelions.

We have continued reading The Wind in the Willows. The children have been thinking about how different characters might be feeling at different parts of the story and have been very insightful in their ideas.

In Maths, we have been looking at the properties of different 2d and 3d shapes. Can your child show you a cuboid, a cube or a sphere? Can they show you the faces, edges and vertices? We have also practised telling the time.

In our topic work, we have been looking at the weather and can name four different types of cloud.

Please remember Sports Day is on Thursday 21st May at 2pm on the school field.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to drop in to see us or email us on or .
Thank you.

Mrs Burns and Mrs Smitheram.

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