Trengrouse Home-Learning; Friday 8th May 2015

Hi there.  Here is the homework for the following week.  I will keep spares in class and if you are unsure of anything please let me know.  Homework club will also be available to children on Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes.
English/TopicThe children have a sheet attached of the slides for our Amazing Amazon assembly next Tuesday…


They should practise their parts in the assembly and explain the assembly using the slides as a guide.

Next week’s debate topic is ‘children should be allowed to vote in elections’
MathsDue to our SATS tests, the children’s maths lessons are again focussed on shape and angles next week.  The websites below provide excellent opportunities to investigate this through games.  The children can also investigate shapes they see everyday in their homes and outside.

· Mathletics is a great tool for this (and other maths learning) – children need their log-on for this site.













Choose at least 5 spellings from either list and practise spelling them.  Then, create up-levelled  sentences for each of the chosen five, using a variety of punctuation and sentence types.
Year 4 (ph) Extra Challenge
agoraphobia arachnophobia cacophony claustrophobia hydrophobia paragraph photosensitive photosynthesis physical physicist observant, observance, (observation), expectant (expectation), hesitant, hesitancy (hesitation), tolerant, tolerance (toleration), substance (substantial) 
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