Penhaligon Newsletter 30th January 2015


Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who made such an effort with their Victorian costumes.  We had such a great day and the children were engrossed in their activities.  We will tell you all about it at our class assembly on Tuesday 10th February.

In Maths, we have been thinking about measurements and which unit we use to measure different things, eg minutes to measure how long it takes us to eat breakfast, kilometres to measure how far it is to Newquay, metres to measure how tall a house is.   We will continue with this work next week.

In literacy, we have started reading a fantastic book called The Mystery of the London Dragonfish.  It is set in Victorian London and features a girl called Slightly Jones!  The children are really enjoying the story so far – can they tell you what has happened and what they think may happen later in the book?

I would just like to let you know that I will be sending spellings home on a Friday from now on, so children will have a full week to practise them, ready for the test on the following Friday.

In order to further support the children’s spelling and reading, Ms Lampier, Miss Kitarurth and I will be hosting a Phonics Workshop on 10th February at 3.30 (just after our assembly.) We will show you how we teach phonics and how you can support your child in their reading.  We really hope as many of you as possible will make it to this important session.

If you have any questions, please drop in to see me or email me on .

Thank you.

Mrs Burns

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