Newsletter 17th October 2014

Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly I would just like to give you an up-date about Mrs Willetts. Unfortunately, she is not well enough to return to school yet. She will be off for at least 4 more weeks. I know she misses the children and we all miss her and wish her a speedy recovery.
This week we have been looking at fractions in maths. Can your child show you how to divide a shape or group of objects in half or even quarters? Perhaps they could show you how we use quarters to tell the time.
In literacy, we have almost finished our information leaflets about materials. The children have researched materials and thought really carefully about how to lay out the information so that the reader finds it useful and easy to understand.
We devised experiments in science to test the properties of different materials, e.g. waterproof, strong, flexible.
Next week we will be going to town on Tuesday morning and to Trerice on Thursday, so we have a very exciting end of term. Your child will have a letter in their bag today about the Trerice trip. Please return the slip and payment as soon as possible.
As always, if you need to discuss anything, please come in and see me or email me on .
Thank you.
Mrs Burns

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