Penhaligon Newsletter

13 June 2014


Dear Parents and Carers,

First of all, we would like to say a huge ‘Well done’ to the children for their fantastic assembly.  We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.  It was lovely to see so many parents and other adults come in to share the children’s work in the classroom afterwards as well.  Thank you for coming.

Another ‘Thank you’, this time to the New Wave Church for all their hard work on the swimming pool.  It was a lovely surprise to see it all painted and cleaned ready for the children this week.  It would be a good idea if children had sun hats for playtime as well as when they are sitting by the pool waiting for their turn to swim.

In class this week, we have been continuing our work based on The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.  We have also begun learning how to code in Computing, the children have all had a go at writing algorithms to move objects around the computer screen – we were all very impressed with their efforts!  In numeracy, we have practised column addition and telling the time.  Please encourage your child to look at the clock at various times during the day, focussing on o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to and then when they are confident with this, moving onto five minute intervals.

Well done to Eryn for winning the school Diamond Ticket prize draw last week – she chose a Tea Party with Jade, Eva and me, which we enjoyed out in the sunshine today!

Please read the other letters which have been sent home today, one is regarding our school PSHE sessions (Personal, Social and Health Education) and the other is about our class trip to the Hall for Cornwall in July.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to drop in to see either of us.

Many thanks,


Mrs Burns and Mrs Willetts.

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