Trevithick Class Newsletter – January 2014

Trevithick Class Newsletter – January 2014

Welcome back! I hope you have had a lovely holiday and are ready for the busy term ahead.

We have just started using ‘Tapestry’ which is an online Learning Journey that will enable you, and us to track your child’s progress. Each child’s journey can have individual accounts set up for parents and relatives to access. Parents can comment on new entries and even add their own.  YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TOO!!! I am hoping this will be up and running for you to access by Parent’s evening- watch this space!  To find out more about Tapestry type ‘Tapestry EYFS’ into a Google search.


SEAL:SEAL stands for Social and emotional aspects of Learning. Our theme for this half term is ‘Going for Goals’. Talk to your child about something they would like to achieve in school this term e.g. to write their name, to get changed independently etc. Discuss how they can work towards their goal.


Reading and Homework:All the children have a book to share with you and it is important that they read EVERY night. This term I will be changing their reading books once a week, however it is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. During a recent ‘Reading record’ check it was noted that a significant number of children are not reading on a regular basis. It is important that all children practise their reading at home in order to make good progress. Please continue to read and learn the key words.We are also going to learn about toys, machines and vehicles and read the book ‘The Snail and the Whale’. If you have an old toy please could we borrow it for our museum – we promise to look after it – thank you!

Area of the Curriculum

Activities for home learning



Big Books we will be sharing in class


Dogger by Shirley Hughes

The Snail and the Whale (Julia Donaldson)

Practise forming the letters and sounds u,l,f,b,ai,j correctly. Look for things around your home that begin/contain each sound. Encourage your child to write or draw a picture of the things they find. Play ‘eye spy’ using the sounds. Read other books by Julia Donaldson and Shirley Hughes. Ask a grandparent or family friend about their favourite toy – record what they say to share with the class.


Continue to practice addition and subtraction sums encouraging your child to use their fingers to work them out. Look around your home for 3d and 2d shapes – record how many of each shape you find. Play lots of board games which support the development of counting skills. Use a pack of cards to sort and sequence numbers etc.

Toys: As part of our topic on Toys we will be creating a museum of old toys. If you have an old toy please send it in. Tell your child about it (where you got it, how old it is etc) so that they can share this information with the class and write a simple label. I promise that all toys will be well looked after and returned to their owners at the end of the topic.

Phonics: The Letters and Sounds we are learning this half term are  u, l, f  b, ai, j. Practise forming these letters and recognising these sounds in reading books.

P.E:  P.E will be on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt). Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform.

Round Up:All offers of support for reading practise with the children in Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time. A huge thank you to all the parents who have kindly volunteered already, your support is very much appreciated. School lunches are £2.10 and must be brought to school in a clearly labelled purse or wallet and placed in the yellow box by the book bags.

 Important Dates: Parent’s Evening – March 2014 (dates to follow)

 Thank you for you continued support,


Nadia Lampier – Sherry Dodson

Lizzie White, Lisa Spratley, Samuel Barnes

Key Worker Groups

Nadia Lampier

Sherry Dodson

Lizzie White

Lisa Spratley

Samuel Barnes



Xena Mai















George (DH)












Please feel free to share information, concerns or ‘wow’ moments with your child’s key worker. All information gets passed onto me and enables me to plan a curriculum that is child centred based upon their needs and interests.


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