Penhaligon Newsletter 15-11-13

Dear Parents and Carers

 The children really enjoyed the Pantomime ‘Aladdin’ at school on Tuesday. We would like to say a big thank you to FOPS for funding this event. Also, as it is Children in Need day on Friday (15th) the children can wear pyjamas to school if they bring a silver coin. Please ensure they wear warm clothes underneath their pyjamas.

 In Literacy we are reading the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Picnic’. In the story, poor Mr. Grinling, the lighthouse keeper, puts on too much weight and comes last in all of the races at the village picnic. To make matters worse, he forgets to tie up the dinghy so he and Mrs. Grinling have to spend the night on the beach – Mrs. Grinling is not happy! Ask your child to share the story with you.

 In Number we are learning to partition 2-digit and 3-digit numbers which will help us add and subtract bigger numbers. Partitioning is when a number is ‘split’ into its tens and units or hundreds, tens and units:

36 is 30 + 6 and 147 is 100 + 40 + 7

 As you are aware, we have been trying to organise a class trip to the restaurant ‘Fifteen’ and the supermarket ‘Morrisons’, both in Newquay. Unfortunately, after several phone calls to agree a convenient date, ‘Fifteen’ are unable to accommodate us, but we are pleased to confirm that we are going ahead with the visit to ‘Morrisons’. The visit will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday 26th November. A coach has been booked to leave school at 12.30pm which gives the children enough time to eat their lunch, and they will return to school by 3.15pm. In order to cover the cost of the coach we will be asking for a voluntary contribution of £5. A letter is attached with this newsletter.

Finally, some dates for your diary:                                                                                              Children in Need – Friday 15th November (children can wear pyjamas to school)                   Class assembly – Tuesday 3rd December at 2.45pm (please note change of date)               Christmas Carolaire – Tuesday 17th December at 6.00pm (Memorial Hall)

 Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)

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