4th October 2013

Dear Parents and Carers


Our topic is science based this week and next week. We have begun to think about plants and seeds in more detail. We have found about the life cycle of plants, and we have planted our own bean seed in order to observe how a seed germinates. Next week we will look at different seeds and learn more about seed dispersal. We will also draw and label different fruits with their seeds.


In Literacy we are looking at explanation texts and the children have been writing their own explanation of a plant life cycle. They have tried very hard to use ‘special words’ such as germinate, root, shoot, seedling, bud, flower head, pollen and seeds to help explain each stage of the lifecycle. Next week, we will think about word definition and write a plant glossary to support our explanations.


In Maths we have been working with money. We have been adding two or more coins to find different totals, and we have been thinking about the best coins to use to make different amounts. For instance, 60p is best made with 50p and 10p. Next week we will calculate change.


Please remember to listen to your child read regularly at home and record it in their Reading Diaries. We have a ‘reading sweep’ in class every Friday. Some children are progressing well with their reading and have moved up a colour band.


Finally, we are in the process of organizing a class trip to the restaurant ‘Fifteen’ and the supermarket ‘Morrisons’, both in Newquay. The trip is planned for Thursday 21st November and will support your child’s learning in our current topic ‘Food, Glorious Food’. Whilst there is no charge for the activities, we will be asking for a contribution to cover the cost of transport. More details to follow nearer the time.


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)

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