Author Archives: perranporth165
Our Classroom
St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 4th September
Welcome back!
Welcome back! We hope that you all enjoyed the Summer break and are ready for a new School year. The children have settled in well to St Piran Class these last two days and have enjoyed exploring their new classroom.
Meet the teacher
On Wednesday the 9th of September at 3:30pm and 5pm we are holding meet the teacher sessions at the School. Our session will take place in St Piran Classroom. Please come along to find out a bit more about what your children will be learning about this year and our routine in St Piran Class. If you are unable to attend either of these sessions please see me to arrange a meeting at a more convenient time.
Mrs Davis
Mrs Davis will be teaching the class on a Thursday afternoon whilst I am on my scheduled time out of the classroom. As a getting to know you activity your child will have brought home a brown bag which they need to fill with one or some of the suggested items. These bags need to be brought back by Thursday please and this will be the homework for this week. Next week I will set the first piece of homework which your child will bring home in their homework book. Please complete the activity with your child. Each activity is related to our learning from the week and should take no longer than twenty minutes to complete.
Your child will be asked to read and have their reading book changed at least once a week by myself or Miss Dix. If they have finished their book and would like to change it please feel free to change their reading book in the morning. Reading books are kept in colour coded boxes just outside of Penhaligon class. If you are unable to change their book please mention to one of the team that their book needs changing and we will provide the children with the opportunity to do so at a later point in the day.
Home learning
In St Piran Class ‘Home Learning’ is celebrated and the children enjoy showing their classmates the learning they have completed in their own time. If your child would like to bring in home learning to share please make sure that it is related to our current topic or our maths. At the moment we have one more week on ‘The Big Build’ focussing on construction and The Three Little Pigs.
PE Kits
Our scheduled times for PE are on a Monday afternoon and a Wednesday afternoon. Each child will need their own labelled PE kit in school on these days. We will be going outside for PE as much as the weather allows us, so please make sure your child has either trainers or plimsolls in their PE kit. As the weather turns colder children are also allowed to wear either dark tracksuit bottoms or leggings as part of their PE kit.
If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to come and see us. You can also contact me on my School email address as included below or arrange an appointment to come and see me before or after School.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and Laura Dix
St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 26th June 2015
For homework this week I would like children to write at least one sentence about an animal that they saw on our trip to the Zoo. Ask your child to explain which animal was their favourite and try to include details of the animal’s looks and habitat. The children can then draw a picture of their favourite animal. For an extra challenge write a recount of your trip to the Zoo including your favourite parts.
Support tips:
- Talk to your child about their favourite animal.
- Encourage your child to sound out the sounds they can hear in words.
Encourage your child to check their writing through to check that it makes sense
Newquay Zoo trip
On Tuesday we adventured to Newquay Zoo on our trip. We had great fun seeing all of the animals and even met a few of them up close. The children behaved beautifully and were a credit to the School. A special thank you to those parents who came along and helped.
Transition afternoon
On Wednesday the 1st of July St Piran class will be spending the afternoon in Penhaligon Class with their next teacher Mr Howes. This afternoon will allow the children to meet Mr Howes again and get to know him better in preparation for September.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team
Important dates
Wednesday 1st July- Transition afternoon
Friday 3rd July- Own clothes day (children to bring in wrapped sweets)
Friday 10th July- School Fayre (after school)
Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon 2pm
Wednesday 22nd July- Last day of the Summer term
St Piran Class trip to Newquay Zoo
Today St Piran class spent the day at Newquay Zoo. We were lucky enough to meet hissing cockroaches, African land snails and Cookie the snake. We learnt about different animal habitats in our workshop and had a great day exploring the zoo.
Two special visitors
This afternoon we were lucky enough to meet Kira and Jade. Two Golden Retrievers who we learnt about and they gave lots of attention to. Thank you to Zara’s Mum for arranging the visit.
This week in photos Friday 19th June
Our superstar home learners . . .
We had a very special visit from Kira and Jade. Thank you to Zara’s Mum for arranging the visit.
St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 19th June
For homework this week I would like children to complete the doubling and halving worksheets. The children should be able to recall the double facts for numbers 1-5 and then the numbers 1-10. To help your child with doubling use counters or household objects to help them see the process. For doubling two digits numbers this week we have learnt to partition two digit numbers then to double then tens followed by the units. For example to double the number 14 you would double the ten first (10 + 10= 20), then double the 4 (4 +4 = 8), then add together the tens and the units (20 + 8).This method also works for halving even two digit numbers halve the tens first and then the units.
Newquay Zoo Trip
On Tuesday our class will be visiting Newquay Zoo to learn how different animals have adapted according to their habitats. The children all need to wear their school uniform and to have a packed lunch unless previously ordered. Children will also need to wear suitable footwear and to have with them a waterproof coat, a sun hat and sun tan lotion, depending on the weather. It perhaps is a good idea to put your child’s packed lunch, drinks bottle, waterproof coat and sun hat into a rucksack with their name on so that it is easy to carry. We will be returning to school in time for the end of the school day and after school clubs. Please note children do not need to bring their book bags with them to school on Tuesday.
Warm weather
As the weather gets warmer just a reminder that children are allowed to bring their own drinks bottles into the classroom which can be refilled throughout the day. Please make sure the drinks bottle is named. Children may also wear hats and sunglasses at lunchtime please make sure these are named.
Transition afternoon
On Wednesday the 1st of July St Piran class will be spending the afternoon in Penhaligon Class with their next teacher Mr Howes. This afternoon will allow the children to meet Mr Howes again and get to know him better in preparation for September.
Many thanks
Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team
Important dates
Tuesday 23rd June- St Piran class trip to the zoo.
Wednesday 1st July- Transition afternoon.
Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon 2pm.
This week in photos Friday 12th June 2015
Our superstars home learners . . .
We made our own storyboards in the Environmental Area. Can you tell which stories they are from?