Penhaligon Newsletter Friday 30th June

Penhaligon Newsletter 30.6.17

This week in our Literacy we have continued with our Non-Chronological reports about Brazil. The children have been great at finding interesting facts on the computers.  In Maths this week we have been using column addition to solve calculations. (Please see below)



Home Learning

For Home Learning this week I would like the children to complete the reading comprehension provided. Please note some comprehensions have more than one side of questions.

Support tips:

  • Encourage your child to underline key information when reading the text.
  • Encourage your child to write the answers in full sentences.

For extra home learning this week practise your column addition at home.

Spellings this week are linked to our Phonics learning on prefixes/suffixes.

Spellings Group 1- kindness, happiness, careless, endless, payment, enjoyment, want, was, swan, swap.

Spellings Group 2- dizziness, laziness, breathless, painless, movement, amazement, wash, wander, wallet, waffles.

Times tables- Next week we will be practising the multiplication/division facts for the 5 x table.



If the children have their own recorders remember to bring them in on Monday. A letter is coming home next week about recorder lessons in September.


Thank you for your continued support


Mrs Laity and the Penhaligon Team


Friday 7th July- Own clothes day. Children to bring in a donation of wrapped sweets for the Summer Fayre. (No nuts please)

Wednesday 12th July- Paradise park trip

Thursday 13th July- Year 2 assembly and open afternoon 2pm start (Parents/carers welcome to come and watch assembly and come to share the children’s learning for the afternoon)

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