Romans Topic Homework Grid

Boscawen Homework Grid for ‘Romans’ topic Summer 2017

Choose one activity each week and bring it into school on Wednesday.  We will send books back out on Thursday.  If you can’t get the work done at home, we have homework club on Friday at lunchtime.

Homework (photos etc.) can be emailed to us at or .

Remember that during the week you also need to:

  • Learn your spellings.
  • Read at least 5 times a week and record it in your reading record (remember to bring in your reading record on Friday.)
  • Practise your weekly times table (2, 3, 4, 5, 8 or 10), as well as your 99 Club sheet.
Week 1

Due in 26th April

Week 2

Due in 3rd May

Week 3

Due in 10th May

Week 4

Due in 17th May

Week 5

Due in 24th May

Literacy Reviewer

Read a book or

watch a film /

TV program about the Romans and write a review. You should include details about the content and decide what was good or  not so good and explain why.


Find a Roman recipe. Create a step by step set of instructions for a primary school student to follow.


Maths Go on a shape hunt at home.  Which 3d shapes can you spot in the objects around you? Draw and label the shapes you spot.


Think of different ways of sorting the shapes – which criteria would you use?

Roman Numerals.

Make some Roman Numeral number sentences for your friends or family to solve.

Can you write your date of birth in Roman Numerals?

Art Design a toy for a Roman child.  Remember it can only be made of materials which the Romans had – no plastic!

You can draw or paint your toy, don’t forget to label it – or you can make it and bring it in to show us!

Design a comic strip that tells the story of a major event in Roman history. It should include pictures and text. You could choose:The death of Caesar

The fall of Rome

or another event.

Research The Romans spoke a language called Latin.

What can you find out about it? Can you find some Latin words which are still used today in this country?

Research a Roman town. You can present your findings in a town profile. Examples:





Wild card WILD CARD

Do any piece of work you like based on our topic.  It can be art, writing, maths, cooking or anything else you are interested in. Take photos if you can’t bring it in.


Do any piece of work you like based on our topic.  It can be art, writing, maths, cooking or anything else you are interested in. Take photos if you can’t bring it in

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