St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 21st October

This week in our English we have continued to explore Acrostic poetry. In Maths we have been practising our number bonds to 10 in a variety of ways. Thank you to everyone who came to support our Harvest Festival and for your contributions to our donation to the Foodbank.


Home Learning

For home learning over the holiday I have given each child the next 99 club challenge for them to try at home. The children are responding really well to the 99 club and particularly enjoy seeing if they can beat their own score from the previous time. The children are allowed ten minutes to complete the challenge and are encouraged to check their answers before the time runs out.

Support tips:

  • Encourage your child to use their fingers to help them or tap and unwrap.
  • When adding three numbers, add the two biggest first.
  • Remind your child that if they find one number sentence particularly tricky they can leave it out and come back to it later.
  • Some of the challenges include multiplication number sentences. At this stage we are encouraging children to think of multiplication as ‘lots of’. So 2 x 5 would be two lots of five. Children are allowed to draw quick pictures or arrays to help them with any of the questions.
–         Drawing pictures to help with addition.

For extra home learning this half term practise your number bonds to 10 and or keep a diary of your week.

– Arrays help with multiplication


Let’s Celebrate

After half term we will be starting our new topic. Our new topic is called ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ On the class page on the school website you can find more information about what we will be learning about in each subject. Within the topic we will be exploring celebrations which happen in our own families, communities and beyond. This topic will fit in nicely as we approach the Christmas and the New Year celebrations.


Dates for your Diary and Reminders

We are a nut free school. We kindly ask that children do not bring in nuts or obvious nut products as part of their snack or lunches.

Friday 21St October- St Piran to provide cakes for the FOPS bake sale

Friday 21st October- FOPS Halloween disco

Monday 24th-Friday 28th October- Half term

Monday 31st October- Inset day school closed to pupils

Wednesday 14th December- Trevithick and St Piran Nativity performance pm


Many thanks

St Piran Team

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