St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 18th December

This Week

This week we made our own Christmas cards. We also performed our fantastic nativity for the whole school and our families. Thank you to everyone who came to watch!

Home learning

For home learning over the Christmas holidays I have given each child the next 99 club challenge for them to try at home. The children are responding really well to the 99 club and particularly enjoy seeing if they can beat their own score from the previous time. The children are allowed ten minutes to complete the challenge and are encouraged to check their answers before the time runs out.

Support tips:

  • Advise your child to check their answers through when they have finished.
  • Remind your child that if they find one number sentence particularly tricky they can leave it out and come back to it later.
  • Some of the challenges include multiplication number sentences. At this stage we are encouraging children to think of multiplication as ‘lots of’. So 2 x 5 would be two lots of five. Children are allowed to draw quick pictures or arrays to help them with any of the questions.

For extra home learning over the holidays use Mathletics, Phonics play and continue to read books at home regularly. For an extra challenge why not keep a diary over the Christmas holidays.

To the Rescue

Our first topic of this term is called ‘To The Rescue’. Within this unit the children will develop an understanding of the rescue services and in particular rescues at sea. We will be learning about Grace Darling in History, poetry in our English and art based on the sea and seashore in Art and Design. At the beginning of next term the children will be given spellings. Spellings will be given out on a Friday and will need to be practised at home. Spellings will be tested informally the following Friday. Children will also have the opportunity to practise their spellings in school. Spellings will always be linked to the phonics we are learning that week.

Thank you for all of your continued support this term. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Many thanks

Rachel Kitaruth and Laura Dix


Important dates

Tuesday 5th January- First day of Spring Term.

Tuesday 19th January- KS1 parents invited to have lunch in school.

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