St Piran Class Newsletter Friday 19th June


For homework this week I would like children to complete the doubling and halving worksheets. The children should be able to recall the double facts for numbers 1-5 and then the numbers 1-10. To help your child with doubling use counters or household objects to help them see the process. For doubling two digits numbers this week we have learnt to partition two digit numbers then to double then tens followed by the units. For example to double the number 14 you would double the ten first (10 + 10= 20), then double the 4 (4 +4 = 8), then add together the tens and the units (20 + 8).This method also works for halving even two digit numbers halve the tens first and then the units.


Newquay Zoo Trip

On Tuesday our class will be visiting Newquay Zoo to learn how different animals have adapted according to their habitats. The children all need to wear their school uniform and to have a packed lunch unless previously ordered. Children will also need to wear suitable footwear and to have with them a waterproof coat, a sun hat and sun tan lotion, depending on the weather. It perhaps is a good idea to put your child’s packed lunch, drinks bottle, waterproof coat and sun hat into a rucksack with their name on so that it is easy to carry.  We will be returning to school in time for the end of the school day and after school clubs. Please note children do not need to bring their book bags with them to school on Tuesday.


Warm weather

As the weather gets warmer just a reminder that children are allowed to bring their own drinks bottles into the classroom which can be refilled throughout the day. Please make sure the drinks bottle is named. Children may also wear hats and sunglasses at lunchtime please make sure these are named.



Transition afternoon

On Wednesday the 1st of July St Piran class will be spending the afternoon in Penhaligon Class with their next teacher Mr Howes. This afternoon will allow the children to meet Mr Howes again and get to know him better in preparation for September.


Many thanks

Rachel Kitaruth and the St Piran team


Important dates

Tuesday 23rd June- St Piran class trip to the zoo.

Wednesday 1st July- Transition afternoon.

Tuesday 14th July- St Piran class assembly and open afternoon 2pm.

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