Boscawen Class – multiple intelligence’s homework grid.







easiest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       hardest








I enjoy reading,

writing &


What do you already know about the diets of humans and animals?   

Research nutrition and health and present your findings.

Write and explain how human bodies get energy from food.    Prepare a short presentation about diet and nutrition for humans or an animal. Make a table containing information about food and its content of nutrition and fat. . Or where does your food come from and how far has it had to travel?   Write a newspaper report about an animal endangered because of lack of food.     Plan, design and make a brochure to explain how and why we need animal shelters and animal rescue home.


I enjoy working

with numbers &


Learn all your division facts for each of the times tables from 2- 10 times tables.  


Practice recalling them at speed.

Calculate fractions of amounts including ¼, ½, 1/3, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8 and 1/10.

Remember to use the denominator (bottom number) to divide the amount.

Time how long you spend doing exercise each day both in school and out of school e.g. P.E, clubs, walking to school , cycling etc and add it to table of make a graph.  Have a sunflower competition with members of your family. Plant  your seeds, nurture them and measure their growth. Chart and photograph your sunflower. What can you grow at home to help keep a healthy diet?


What will grow quickly,


Experiment and present your findings.

Design a menu for a days meals and snacks for a child between 5-10 years old. Think about the amounts of calories they should be eating each day as well as amount of fat, salt and sugar.


I enjoy painting,

drawing &


Create a poster or mobile encouraging children to eat their 5 a day of fruit and vegetables


Design your own ‘Eco Warrior’ cartoon character and create a poster to advertise the ‘Eat healthy, Make your characters costume link to the campaign, give him a cool name and make sure your poster has a clear healthy message.. Apply a range of art techniques e.g. drawing, painting, collage etc creating a still life of fruit and vegetables.

Remember you can cut and explore the inside of fruit and vegetables for an interesting picture.

Research and analyse how long it takes for compost  to rot away and present your findings in the style of a’ bill board advert’ persuading people to compost natural waste.   Draw the life cycle of an animal of your choice.


Investigate food chains and present it in a collage or 3D form/


Make a large junk model e.g. A giant fruit salad, a healthy food plate , or inside a tomatoe.


I enjoy doing



Look at ‘fruit and veg’ or amazing animals  on Google images. Choose a painting or creation that you like and recreate it in your own way, using the style of the artist to help you. Grow your own vegetables or salad. This could be in a small tub or window box or in your garden. Understand what plants need in order to grow well. Try some cookery! Have a go at making your own soup (you will need a grown up to help you). Here is a good web link to start you off, or you may want to look through some cookery books.

Imagine what the world may look like in 8850 if animals adapt to their environment and evolve to suit a new environment or diet. ! What would the world look like? Taking inspirations from the film WALL-E sketch, paint, chalk or charcoal some art work as a warning to make people think! Design a new animal  and evaluate its habitat diet and special features.  



Make a prototype of your animal to bring into school and explain how i.

I enjoy making &

Listening to music

Listen and learn songs linked to animals or diet and show in class. Research and make a list of musicians and singers who have created animal related  music. Create or write your own animal or diet  performance poem. Write your own song or rap about a chosen animal.   Make your own musical instrument that represents a fruit or veg! A Banana shaped string instrument or potato drum Adapt a song you know but change the words to link to our theme of animals or keeping healthy.
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