Penhaligon Newsletter 26th June 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have been thinking about the months of the year, what each month is identified with and what order they come in.  The children made charts with their friends’ birth months on and used the information to produce bar charts.  Their bar chart drawing has improved hugely, well done!

On Tuesday, Year 2 had their triathlon.  We are very proud of the children’s hard work and good sportsmanship.

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to have a visit from a professional Samba teacher who led us through some of the steps so that we could dance a Samba procession around the hall.  Everyone joined in and had lots of fun.

Next Wednesday, we will be visiting the beach again as part of our Outdoor Learning programme.  We will need volunteer helpers again, so if you would like to join us, please let either of we know. A letter with permission slip will follow.

As always, if you have any questions, please do drop in to see either of us or email on or .

Thank you.

Mrs Burns and Mrs Smitheram

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