Trevithick Class News – June 2015

Trevithick Class Newsletter – June 2015

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely break .We have a busy (and long) half term ahead! We are pleased to welcome back Mrs Price, she will be teaching the class alongside me for the next 8 weeks. We wish her all the best in her final teaching practise.


SEAL stands for Social and emotional aspects of Learning. Our theme for this half term is ‘Changes’’. Please see the attached sheet on ways of supporting your child in this area.

Reading and Homework:

All the children have a book to share with you and it is important that they do a little bit of reading every night. It is important that they bring their book-bag to school everyday. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record as this helps me assess their progress. Thank you!  Continue to read and learn the key words.


Week 1 It’s a bugs life
Week 2 It’s a bugs life
Week 3 Water and The Whale Song
Week 4 Water and the Whale Song
Week 5 Water and the Whale Song
Week 6 Ourselves (SRE week) Please see me if you have any concerns about the content of the curriculum)
Week 7 Seaside Holidays
Week 8 Seaside Holidays



Area of Learning Home learning activities
PSED See attached sheet for how you can help. Our theme is ‘Changes’.
CLL (literacy)


The letters and sounds we are learning this half term are sh, th, qu, oi, er, igh and ar Practise writing words that contain these sounds, recognising them in their reading books and in the environment. We will also be recapping all previous sounds and the tricky words.

This term we will be learning about the ‘Seaside’ and our local environment. Support your child by talking about where you live, writing and sending a postcard, investigate what holidays were like in the past – have you got any old holiday pictures we could share? Continue to practise the key words and use them to write simple sentences.

Maths  Use the sheet to continue to form all numerals correctly. Work out addition and subtraction sums remembering to put the bigger number first! Practise ‘tap and unwrap’ strategy to solve number problems beyond 10.  Collect seaside objects e.g. things found on the beach – count and sort them into sets. Count ‘beachy’ things e.g. the number of wind breaks, buckets, shells etc – make a tally chart of all the things you see at the beach.
EAD –Expressive Art and Design In music we are learning a song about holidays and listening to sounds we hear at the seaside. What sounds can you hear at home, on the beach and in town? Use objects to create a beach scene – discuss how the objects feel, smell etc. Paint or draw pictures of what you enjoy doing on your holidays. Discuss any holidays abroad and what you did, look at holiday brochures and cut and stick pictures of where you would like to go.


P.E continues to be on a Friday morning. It is essential that your child has a P.E kit (black shorts and white t-shirt) and they should wear sensible footwear. Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all uniform. Trainers or plimsolls will be needed this term.

We are hoping to start swimming on Monday (1pm-2pm) and Wednesday (2pm-3-pm) Our first session will hopefully be next week (weather permitting). Your child will need their swimming costume, a towel and they can bring in goggles if needed. If you are able to help change the children or are willing to go in the pool with the children please see me as soon as possible.

 Round Up:

All offers of support for reading practise with the children in

Trevithick Class would be gratefully received – please let me know if you are able to give up some of your time.


Please continue to record significant experiences (that make you say ‘wow’) that your child has at home, for example, if they get dressed by themselves or write sums for a sibling. Please return it to school or upload it to Tapestry.  I can then celebrate these achievements with the children. They also support the judgments I make about the children when completing the foundation stage profile.

Important Dates:

5th June – Wear it Wild day

Wk beginning Monday 6th July –SRE (sex and relationships education week)

Wednesday 8th July – EYFS sports morning – 9.30am

10th July – Summer Fayre

Wednesday 15th July –Teddy Bear’s Picnic (with pre-school) 9.30am

Monday 20th July – EYFS Graduation 2.00pm

Wednesday 22nd July – Last day of term.

 Nadia Lampier, Sherry Dodson, Lizzie White, Debs Price and Helen Thipthorp

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