Penhaligon Newsletter 11-7-14

11th July 2014

Dear Parents and Carers

This week we built new and improved versions of our Bug Hotels in the environment area. The children thought very carefully about how to include different mini-beast habitats inside the hotel. We are hoping to attract many visitors!

In Literacy we have been learning to tell a new story, ‘The Owl Babies’. We have made up actions and drawn story maps to help us learn the story. Ask your child to share the story with you.

In Science we have been thinking about adaptation and how animals are able to survive in different environments. We have learnt that a camel stores fat and water inside its hump, and it also has long eyelashes to keep sand out of its eyes. Ask your child to tell you how other animals survive in their environment.

Our class trip to the Hall for Cornwall is next Tuesday, 15th July. Your child will need:

  • school uniform
  • a light summer jacket
  • sun cream applied in the morning
  • a packed lunch and bottle of water
  • any medication such as asthma inhalers (to be named and handed to the teacher)

There will be an interval during the performance and your child will be offered a small packet of sweets. Please note that the show is due to finish at approximately 2.30pm. Therefore the children may be a little late returning to school. Thank you!

Please note, there will be only one swimming session next week on Wednesday 16th.

You will receive your child’s report today along with their Year 2 SATs results. The chart below helps to explain the levels achieved. These are matched against age related expectations.

level 3

significantly above age related expectations

level 2a

slightly above age related expectations

level 2b

on track

level 2c

slightly below age related expectations

level 1

significantly below age related expectaions


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)

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