Trelawney Spring Update

Home Learning

Well done to everyone in Trelawny who has brought in excellent work for our show and tell on Fridays. Take a look at our amazing work which is on display outside Trengrouse class.

Jabberwocky- Beware the Jabberwock my son…

Trelawny began the term mask making and writing character descriptions of the Jabberwocky and the Tum Tum tree. .


We are currently working on a joint literacy topic with Trengrouse class focussed on Oliver Twist. Part of our work includes our version of ‘Oliver’ which we will show in assembly on Thursday 14th February at 10.10am. Please do some along and enjoy our assembly. 

Reading bands

As you know Trelawny class are working towards reading belts based on the amount of times they read or share a book. The belts are given out in celebration assembly and it is pleasing to see so many children gaining their white, yellow or orange belt!

Belts are exchanged for a higher belt once all signatures have been gained for the next colour. Please give your odd belt to Mrs Davis when you are due your next colour. 

Terrific Times tables

After half term the children will be awarded bronze, silver, gold, platinum or a merit award for learning and knowing their times tables with speed and accuracy. Times tables feature regularly within our maths such as calculating fractions of amounts or finding the area of a shape so it is crucial that children can recall these facts.

Suggested websites to help support your child will be included on your child’s spelling lists after half term. 


Well done to all the super Trelawny spellers this half term. Spellings for the 2nd half of term will be given out after half term. Spellings are linked to our weekly phonics work which is supporting your child’s reading and writing. Children have a spelling test each Thursday.

After half term…

 Our literacy topics after half term will be writing explanations  all about the Water cycle, steam power and the Victorians.

We will also be researching Victorian Easter traditions.

Trelawny Parents evening – Tuesday 5th March 2013

Children from Trelawny class will have the opportunity to meet with both Mrs Davis and Miss Radcliffe to talk about your child’s progress. Details will follow.  

Have a great half term.

Mrs Davis

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