Author Archives: perranporth164

Spellings 15-9-14

Dear Parents and Carers

Each week, your child will have a list of spellings to learn both at school and home. The list is written inside their red spelling book on Monday which then goes home so that they can practice them before being tested on Friday. We also practice them daily in class using the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ method. Ask your child to explain this method to you.

This week we will be thinking about the long ‘i’ sound in words. Below is the list of spellings your child needs to learn. The children have been put into two groups for spelling. This helps us focus on giving them the right support for their needs. Your child should know which group they are in. If you have any queries, please pop in and ask. Thank you!

Group 1 have the following words:


Group 2 have the following words:

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Penhaligon Newsletter 11-7-14

11th July 2014

Dear Parents and Carers

This week we built new and improved versions of our Bug Hotels in the environment area. The children thought very carefully about how to include different mini-beast habitats inside the hotel. We are hoping to attract many visitors!

In Literacy we have been learning to tell a new story, ‘The Owl Babies’. We have made up actions and drawn story maps to help us learn the story. Ask your child to share the story with you.

In Science we have been thinking about adaptation and how animals are able to survive in different environments. We have learnt that a camel stores fat and water inside its hump, and it also has long eyelashes to keep sand out of its eyes. Ask your child to tell you how other animals survive in their environment.

Our class trip to the Hall for Cornwall is next Tuesday, 15th July. Your child will need:

  • school uniform
  • a light summer jacket
  • sun cream applied in the morning
  • a packed lunch and bottle of water
  • any medication such as asthma inhalers (to be named and handed to the teacher)

There will be an interval during the performance and your child will be offered a small packet of sweets. Please note that the show is due to finish at approximately 2.30pm. Therefore the children may be a little late returning to school. Thank you!

Please note, there will be only one swimming session next week on Wednesday 16th.

You will receive your child’s report today along with their Year 2 SATs results. The chart below helps to explain the levels achieved. These are matched against age related expectations.

level 3

significantly above age related expectations

level 2a

slightly above age related expectations

level 2b

on track

level 2c

slightly below age related expectations

level 1

significantly below age related expectaions


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)

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Bug Hotels

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Penhaligon Newsletter 6-6-14

6th June 2014

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you to everyone who came to Sports Day yesterday. The children had a great time, and it was lovely to see them support and encourage one another.

Our topic this half term is ‘Town Mouse, Country Mouse.’ The key areas of learning will be:

1. Science – Living things and their habitats.

2. Geography – The differences between town/city life and rural life.

3. Art and Design – Design and create model habitats and food chains; Learn about the digital artist Slinkachu.

In Literacy we will be reading the fable ‘Town Mouse, Country Mouse’, and we will write a report about nocturnal animals.

We will be swimming in PE this half term. Our swimming sessions will be Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has their full swimming kit in school on these days. The main purpose of swimming in Year 2 is to develop your child’s water confidence and to encourage different arm and leg actions to propel themselves through the water, at first upright and then horizontal, using swimming aids and support.

Please remember that it is our Class Assembly on Wednesday 11th June at 2.00pm in the hall. After assembly the children will invite you back to the classroom so that they can talk about their learning and share some of their work with you. We hope you will be able to come!

Please continue to read regularly with your child at home and remember to record this in the reading diary. In addition to their school book, it would really help us to know which books they read for personal enjoyment at home so please record those in the diary. Also, please remember to encourage your child to complete the reading activities.

Your child has homework to complete this week. Please support and encourage your child to complete homework activities and check that your child’s homework book is brought to school each week. Homework is given out on Friday and needs to be returned to school the following Wednesday. Thank you!

Please remember to visit the class blog on the school website where you will find the weekly spelling lists as well as photographs and fun information about what your child gets up to in class.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers)6th June 2014

(Class teachers)

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Penhaligon Spellings WB 12-5-14

Spellings WB 12-5-14

Here are the words your child needs to learn this week. Your child will know which group they are in. We have a spelling dictation in class every Friday.

Group 1: important – unimportant – trained – untrained – zip – unzip – popular – unpopular – lucky – unlucky

Group 2: he – me – she – we – be – mind – find – wild – kind – child

We use the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ method in class to help learn our spellings. If you are unfamiliar with this method, please ask your child to explain it to you. Thank you!

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SATs support

A couple of useful websites for your child to visit and practise Literacy and Numeracy skills:

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Penhaligon Spelling lists WB 6-514

Group 1 are learning to add prefixes to words and understand how this alters the meaning of the word. This week we will learn to use the prefix ‘dis’.

dislike – disown – displease – disagree – disappear – disobey – dishonest – disallow – disbelieve – disapprove

Group 2 are learning words with the Phase 5 phonemes (sounds).

when – who – glue – blue – June – cube – use – wash – want – what

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Penhaligon Newsletter 2-5-14

Dear Parents and Carers

As you are aware, end of Key Stage 1 SATs are administered in Year 2. These consist of ‘tests’ in Reading, Writing and Maths which along with Teacher Assessments give an indication of how well your child is learning. They will be carried out over the coming weeks and you will be informed of your child’s results towards the end of the summer term. Whilst the SATs are important, we do not want you or your child to worry or become anxious. You can help by giving your child a healthy breakfast, plenty of water to drink and a good amount of sleep. It is also very important to make sure your child attends school every day. If you have any questions or worries please do not hesitate to pop in and speak to us.

We have continued our learning about the weather this week. We have discussed how best to use our weather instruments and what data can be collected from them. We are collecting data on wind direction, wind speed, temperature, rain fall and cloud coverage. Once we have collected enough data we will analyse the results and write a weather report.

In Literacy we learnt an African traditional tale called ‘The wind and the Sun’. We created our own story maps and storyboards. We also had a Big Write session on Poetry and we wrote our own weather poems. The children were very creative with their ideas. Gracie wrote about how the gentle wind makes the flowers wave at you. Super!

In Number we have been learning how to use the column method for addition and subtraction. Please ask your child to show you and explain how the column method works.

Please continue to read regularly with your child at home and remember to record this in the reading diary. In addition to their school book, it would really help us to know which books they read for personal enjoyment at home so please record those in the diary. Also, please remember to encourage your child to complete the reading activities.

It is really great to see Penhaligon class having a high percentage of attendance during this half term so well done! Remember that extra playtime is rewarded each week to the class who has the highest rate of attendance.

Please remember to visit the class blog on the school website where you will find the weekly spelling lists as well as photographs and fun information about what your child gets up to in class.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. Willetts and Mrs. Burns (Class teachers) 

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Our Learning Journey

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Spellings WB 28-4-14

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